Open errors (DeleteColumn/DeleletRow and Formula)


We have finished the evaluation period and are thinking about purchasing the Aspose.Excel-Software. Unfortunately I have two open issues that have not been answered yet. The first is a problem with a formula and the second one is with DeleteColumn and DeleteRow. Both issues are from April, 8. Have these problems been resolved yet?

Best regards

Andreas Huber

Hi Andreas,

These two bugs are all fixed. Please download and try v3.2.1 at Sorry for not replying you at the forum.

We announce the releases and fixes at our blogs: Aspose Blogs.

Hi Laurence,

I’ve downloaded the new release. Thanks a lot. Next time I will check the blogs first.


Aspose.Excel is discontinued and no more being offered now. It is replaced with Aspose.Cells that is a much advanced and feature-rich product. It supports all the features of its predecessor along with the latest features in different versions of MS Excel. You can delete columns, rows and work with formulas available in different spreadsheet management systems. Aspose.Cells provides APIs to insert and delete rows and columns as follows:

  1. Insert a Row
  2. Inserting Multiple Rows
  3. Insert a Row with Formatting
  4. Deleting Multiple Rows
  5. Insert a Column
  6. Delete a Column

Here is an example to delete multiple rows:

// Instantiating a Workbook object
// Opening the Excel file through the file
Workbook workbook = new Workbook("SampleFile.xlsx");

// Accessing the first worksheet in the Excel file
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

// Deleting 10 rows from the worksheet starting from 3rd row
worksheet.Cells.DeleteRows(2, 10);

// Saving the modified Excel file

Similarly Aspose.Cells has provided best range of formulas those can be used with it. Here is a simple code to demonstrate the syntax of working formula with Aspose.Cells.

// Instantiating a Workbook object
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();

// Adding a new worksheet to the Excel object
int sheetIndex = workbook.Worksheets.Add();

// Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[sheetIndex];

// Adding a value to "A1" cell

// Adding a value to "A2" cell

// Adding a value to "A3" cell

// Adding a SUM formula to "A4" cell
worksheet.Cells["A4"].Formula = "=SUM(A1:A3)";

// Calculating the results of formulas

// Get the calculated value of the cell
string value = worksheet.Cells["A4"].Value.ToString();

// Saving the Excel file
workbook.Save(dataDir + "output.xls");

You may refer to the following article for working with Formula with Aspose.Cells.

The latest version of this new product can be downloaded here:
Aspose.Cells for .NET(Latest version)

Here is a runnable complete solution that contains a lot of examples to test different features of Aspose.Cells.