Open in Outlook after changing From in MSG

I am trying to manipulate an email in .msg format.

After changing the From value and saving the file, I cannot open the file in Outlook. I am getting the following error.

Cannot open file: email.msg. The file may not exist, you may not have permission to open it, or it may be open in another program. Right-click the folder that contains the file, and the click Properties to check your permissions for the folder.

I am changing an Exchange address to an SMTP address.


Thank you for inquiry.

Could you please post a sample MSG here for our reference? Please also mention the platform that you are using (.NET or Java). You may either post the file here or zip/send me via email using “Contact”–> “send saqib.razzaq an email” button on this thread.


Does it happen to all the converted MSG files or few of them? Could you please post some samples for our analysis?