OpenInExcel causing

My users want their Excel files opened in Excel rather than IE. In order to do that I used the following code:

excel.Save(fileName, SaveType.OpenInExcel, FileFormatType.Default, HttpContext.Current.Response);

When I click ‘Open’ in the first ‘File Download’ box, I am shown another ‘File Download’ box with exactly the same information.

Clicking Open the second time correctly opens the file in Excel…

I am using IE 6.0 SP1.

Is there any way around this issue?


I think it’s an annoying issue caused by IE. When I used IE 6.0, it worked fine. I updated to IE 6.0 SP1 without change any code. Then I found the same problem as you mentioned. I left it alone and kept on updating my windows and IE. Now it works fine again.

So my suggestion is updating your windows and IE to the newest version.

So my suggestion is updating your windows and IE to the newest version.

I have the same problem. My machine is patched up to its eyeballs with all the latest service packs and updates, yet I still have this problem. Can you confirm that this is an IE issue?



My IE is current as well…After further searching it is not an IE issue. It is an Excel issue:<BR>

Cheers for that. Typical MS. I notice Word and co don’t have this set by default.