Opening PST Using Traversal Exceptions Callback Throws VerifyError

I am using Aspose Email. 21.8. I followed the instructions at Aspose.Email for Java 21.8 Release Notes|Documentation, to use a traversal exceptions callback as follows:

       TraversalExceptionsCallback exceptionsCallback = new TraversalExceptionsCallback() {
            public void invoke(TraversalAsposeException exception, String itemId) {
                //, itemId);
        personalStorage = new PersonalStorage(exceptionsCallback);
        if (!personalStorage.load(file.toString()))
            throw new IllegalStateException("failed to load pst file "+file+". The PST is likely corrupted.");

However, the above outputs the following:

 2021-09-09 05:21:28 c.s.a.i.AsposePSTContainer [DEBUG] failed open 

java.lang.VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack
Exception Details:
com/aspose/email/TraversalExceptionsCallback.beginInvoke(Lcom/aspose/email/TraversalAsposeException;Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/aspose/email/system/AsyncCallback;Ljava/lang/Object;)Lcom/aspose/email/system/IAsyncResult; @14: invokestatic
Type ‘com/aspose/email/zbih’ (current frame, stack[0]) is not assignable to ‘com/aspose/email/internal/ex/zb’
Current Frame:
bci: @14
flags: { }
locals: { ‘com/aspose/email/TraversalExceptionsCallback’, ‘com/aspose/email/TraversalAsposeException’, ‘java/lang/String’, ‘com/aspose/email/system/AsyncCallback’, ‘java/lang/Object’ }
stack: { ‘com/aspose/email/zbih’ }
0x0000000: bb00 0459 2a2a 2d19 042b 2cb7 0008 b800
0x0000010: 05b0

Could this error be due to code obfuscation on the part of Aspose?

Thank you for posting the query. To investigate this case on our side, could you share the PST file, please?

Andrey this happens when you created a PST file. Please refer to the code.

Your above code snippet contains the next line:

if (!personalStorage.load(file.toString()))

Please share the file you loaded.

This error happens with any PST file. However, you can download from here

Thank you for the additional information. I will reply to you as soon as possible.

I used your code snippet and the PST file and found no errors. It seems to be the error is environment-specific. Please specify the following:

  • OS version where the error occurred
  • JDK version you used

Any additional information would be useful as well.