Optimize mesh causes distortion

I’ve noticed that using the new mesh.Optimize(true) on complex meshes causes the meshes to become distorted, and also increase the file size:

When using mesh.Optimize(true) - file size = 150MB:
image.png (37.0 KB)

Without - file size = 125MB:
image.png (33.7 KB)

Those are just a couple of examples, but typically it happens where we have verticies which are close to each other within a small & complex mesh.

I’m assuming a tolerance is being used when comparing duplicate vertices which is causing this issue - would it be possible to have control over this tolerance (if this is the case) in the form of an additional parameter to the Optimize method?

I’m not sure why the file size would increase though.



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The new released version 24.3 contains a new overload of Mesh.Optimize which allows you to specify the tolerance for control point/normal/uv

You can check this out if it can help you.

Most of Aspose.3D uses double, but the Mesh.Optimize uses float internally for performance, so be careful with the float number’s precision.

Excellent, thanks for the quick response.