Out of Memory exceptions for Java

What is the best way to handle the large memory requirements processing PDFs in Aspose PDF for Java? Some PDFs require up to 2GB of heap to complete. I’ve set my heap max to 2048m and am using the MemoryCleaner.clean() API after closing the Document object.

Some products and services offer a disk-option for temporary space requirements; I’ve not found that in Aspose PDF, does that option exist?


Sadly that option is not available in Aspose.PDF API. The memory usage is because it is an on-premises software. Which means everything is done and loaded in your local machine. Nothing is done in the cloud or in an external service. Therefore it is more taxing in the machine where the API is running.

Another user who is working with really big PDF files which contains many images(this uses lots of memory) is having an issue similar to yours. I will link to this post the same ticket.

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): PDFNET-53702

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