Out of Memory opening MPP file

I get an out of memory error when opening a Microsoft Project file. Here is how I am opening it in VB.Net:

Using projectStream As FileStream = New FileStream(FileName, FileMode.Open)

Dim existingProject As New Aspose.Tasks.Project(projectStream)

Hi Simon,

Thank you for writing to Aspose Support team.

Please share the MPP file with us for further investigation at our end.

Here is the file.

Hi Simon,

The attached file can’t be extracted from the zip archive. Could you please confirm if you have provided us with the correct file sample? Please re-attach the correct file so that we can investigate the issue for assisting you further.

Let’s try this

Hi Simon,

Thank you for sharing the sample file.

We have tested it with the latest version of the API i.e Aspose.Tasks for .NET 16.11.0 but were not able to face any such exception as OutOfMemory while opening the MPP file. Please try it with the latest version of the API and let us know your feedback.

Sample Code:

Project project = new Project(“142057\PDR13325V1_0001045_OMS Project Plan V0 2 w PCG Tasks.mpp”);

Both of these cause outofmemory error when saving.

’ Save the whole project layout to one file
existingProject.Save(dataDir & Convert.ToString(“PrintProjectPagesToSeparateFiles1_out.png”), saveOptions)

’ Save project layout to separate files
saveOptions.SaveToSeparateFiles = True
existingProject.Save(dataDir & Convert.ToString(“PrintProjectPagesToSeparateFiles2_out.png”), saveOptions)

Hi Simon,

We were able to reproduce the Out of Memory exception while saving the file to PNG. This has been logged as TASKSNET-1740 for further investigation and rectification by our Product team. We’ll update you here once there is some update or a fix version available in this regard. However, we are not able to reproduce the issue with loading the file. Please let us know about your environment details such as OS (32 or 64-bit) and the .NET framework you are using.

Correct, the saving is the issue. We thought it was opening at first.

The issue happens on all customers regardless of OS. 64 Bit Windows 7 .NET framework 4.51.

our application is compiled as 32bit executable due to other libraries we use.

Let me now if you need any other information.


Thank you for sharing information. Our Product team will investigate the reported problem and we’ll update you here as soon as there is some information or a fix version available for it.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as TASKSNET-1740) have been fixed in this update.

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