Is it possible to use the current print settings for start date and end date when saving a project to PDF, as an image or to print? I see in the SaveOptions object there is a StartDate and EndDate, but how to populate them from settings in the MPP file.
Ideally I’d like the output to be exactly as if were printed from MS Project (including the Outline - Show Subtasks option).
Thanks in advance.
Hi Matthew,
We are sorry for a delayed response.
The StartDate and EndDate refer to the duration for which the duration is required and that is what MSP also asks while printing a project to any output format. Could you please elaborate your requirements a little more with a sample MPP file and its print out for our reference? We’ll look into it further for your assistance.
Thanks for your response. Attached is a zip file with the .mpp file, an example of it printed (as .xps) from MSP and saved as .pdf from your product. Note that when the print dialog comes up in MSP it is prepopulated with a specific date range (and Timescale of 4 days and with some subtasks rolled up).
My goal is to use your product to get the same result (as a .pdf or printed to a .pdf printer) in an automated, batch process (no dialog box or user intervention). Currently it outputs without regard to date range in the print settings.
Please let me know if you need more info on this. Thanks,
Hi Matt,
Thank you for sharing the feedback.
At present, Aspose.Tasks doesn’t have any such facility to roll up subtasks while rendering to output PDF. I have logged it as an enhancement in our issue tracking system with id: TASKS-33627 for consideration and development by our development team.
With respect to your requirement of prepopulated with a specific date range, could you please share if these are set manually or MSP automatically populates the date range? We’ll look into it further for implementation and appreciate your cooperation in this regard.
Yes, the date range would be set manually. And is not set then use the entire file as is done now.
And if this is possible, the request would be expanded to do the same with page range.
Thanks for your help on this.
Hi Matt,
Thank you for the feedback.
An enhancement ticket with id: TASKS-33630 has been logged in our issue tracking system to check for any such possible implementation of the feature. We’ll write back here once there is any information or a fix version available in this regard.
The issues you have found earlier (filed as TASKS-33627) have been fixed in this update.
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The issues you have found earlier (filed as TASKS-33630) have been fixed in this update.
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The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for JasperReports 18.3 update.