Overlapping issue while paragraph replacement using aspose.pdf for java

Hello Team,
I have a requirement to replace text in the pdf document paragraph by paragraph. I tried all recommended ways to use ParagraphAbsorber including setting WholeWordsHyphenation & REPLACE_FIRST, REPLACE_ALL replacement options but I’m getting overlapped text. We don’t want replacement by fragments even this is giving overlapped text.
Can you help me in replacing the text with its translated text without any overlapping issues? I’m using 30 days free license.

Thank you.



Would you kindly share your sample PDF document along with the sample code snippet for our reference? We will test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.

Hi @asad.ali ,
I’m attaching the source file with two pdf files and its modified version (_out as suffix).
ModifyPDF.java.zip (2.3 KB)
genai_out.pdf (664.0 KB)
genai.pdf (459.8 KB)
input10_out.pdf (2.3 MB)
input10.pdf (2.2 MB)

I’ve also observed a similar overlapping issue while converting PDF to docx, attaching the original pdf and its converted docx files.
10EasySteps.pdf (2.2 MB)

10EasySteps_out.docx (441.7 KB)

Let me know if I can help you with any more details.

Thank you.

Kind Regards,
Bhavesh Kumar


We are checking it and will get back to you shortly.

Hi @asad.ali, We hold a corporate license of Aspose.Total for .NET so going forward we will be using .NET SDK. This issue is a blocker for us. If possible, can you please look into .NET implementation and tell me an estimated time for the fix to be released?


As for the overlapping issue during PDF to DOCX conversion, we were able to notice it using 23.7 version of the API. The issue has been logged in our issue tracking system as PDFNET-55154 for the sake of correction. Furthermore, we tried to execute the code snippet that you provided us for text replacement but we could not execute it. Since, you are trying with Aspose.PDF for .NET now, can you please share the code snippet that you used to replace the text so that we can test the scenario in our environment again and address it accordingly.

@asad.ali I am attaching the working .NET project. Please let me know if you need any input from my side. I would appreciate any quick suggestions you may give to solve this issue. edit-pdf-dotnet-sample.zip (3.9 MB)


We were able to replicate the issue in our environment. Therefore, below ticket has been logged in our issue tracking system for the sake of investigation. We will look into its details and keep you posted with its rectification status.

Issue ID(s): PDFNET-55251

Please be patient and spare us some time. We apologize for the inconvenience.

@asad.ali Any estimated time to get this fixed?


The tickets are logged in free support model and they will be prioritized on a first come first serve basis. As soon as they are completely investigated. We will be able to share some ETA information with you. We highly appreciate your patience in this regard. Please spare us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.