Overriding tables in ppt slides


Few Doubts:

If you see the attached File:

1. Under the Name, It is a table consists of three rows, but some times, it might be five or more rows also… Then I tried to clone the rows using InsertClone(), but the problem is its overriding the below table. How to overcome that ?

2. Under the description, if the text field contains description with more number of words then it is overwriting below table. How to overcome that?


Hi Raj,

Thanks for inquiring Aspose.Slides.

I have observed your requirements and presentation file. I like to share that when you clone a row in table, the table height will certainly change and it will overlap onto below table in your scenario. You need to manage this your self by adjusting the remaining table positions as well in your case to serve the purpose and avoid overlapping.

Many Thanks,