P6 Finish Milestone not flagged as IsMilestone

It appears that Primavera P6 tasks with activity type of “Finish Milestone” are not properly flagged as IsMilestone within Aspose.Tasks.

Using this sample code to navigate through zero duration tasks in a sample .xer project, “Start Milestone” tasks are flagged as IsMilestone, but “Finish Milestone” are not.

        Project m_CalcProject_Original = new Project(@"C:\NEHYDI-5.xer");

        ChildTasksCollector m_coll = new ChildTasksCollector();
        TaskUtils.Apply(m_CalcProject_Original.RootTask, m_coll, 0);
        List<Aspose.Tasks.Task> m_Tasks = m_coll.Tasks;

        foreach (Aspose.Tasks.Task x in m_Tasks)
            if (x.Get(Tsk.Duration).ToDouble() == 0)
                Console.WriteLine(x.Get(Tsk.Name) + " " + x.Get(Tsk.IsMilestone));

NEHYDI-5.7z (28.2 KB)
P6Tasks.jpg (169.5 KB)
P6Tasks2.jpg (74.1 KB)
SampleProjgram.jpg (82.4 KB)

@leglandpalisade ,
I’ve reproduced the issue. A ticket with ID TASKSNET-10484 has been created to resolve the issue. This thread has been linked with the issue so that you may be notified once the issue will be fixed.

The issue TASKSNET-10484 (Fix reading of Finish Milestones from XER format) have been fixed in this update.