Package integrity while downloading nuget package

When I’m trying to install the nuget package, am getting skiasharp 2.80.1, system.textencoding.codepages 4.5.0, package integrity check failure error.

Am unable to install and proceed to test the file conversion functionality.

Am trying with latest version (21.12)

1 Like

@nageshr What type of application are you developing, what is the target framework? If it is possible, Could you please create a simple application where adding the reference to Aspose.Words from NuGet causes the mentioned problem?

My target framework version is .net 6.0, using C# as the programming language. I just wanted try .mht file to be converted into pdf.

I tried to add the aspose.words from nuget package manager (from VS 2022), and am getting these integrity check failure error for both packages (skiasharp and text.encoding.codepages). I tried installing it from local drive (after downloading the nuget package), but no luck

@nageshr I just rechecked on my side using Visual Studio 2022 and .NET 6.0 and I can successfully install the latest 21.12 version of Aspose.Words.
Could you, please, try clearing the local NuGet cache and try installing Aspose.Words again? Also, please provide error code you get on your side.

Untitled.png (141.5 KB)
I just tried Alex, cleaning and reinstalling.

Btw, my VS 2022 is clean install, no frameworks/projects.

Restoring packages for C:\Users\nravuri\source\repos\FileConversion\FileConversion.csproj...
  OK 1048ms
  OK 52ms
  OK 1227ms
  OK 1260ms
  OK 93ms
  OK 490ms
  OK 2250ms
  OK 48ms
  OK 1180ms
  OK 53ms
  OK 1072ms
  OK 62ms
Installed Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms 1.1.0 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages\ with content hash kz0PEW2lhqygehI/d6XsPCQzD7ff7gUJaVGPVETX611eadGsA3A877GdSlU0LRVMCTH/+P3o2iDTak+S08V2+A==.
Installed Microsoft.NETCore.Targets 1.1.0 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages\ with content hash aOZA3BWfz9RXjpzt0sRJJMjAscAUm3Hoa4UWAfceV9UTYxgwZ1lZt5nO2myFf+/jetYQo4uTP7zS8sJY67BBxg==.
Installed Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms 3.1.0 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages\ with content hash z7aeg8oHln2CuNulfhiLYxCVMPEwBl3rzicjvIX+4sUuCwvXw5oXQEtbiU2c0z4qYL5L3Kmx0mMA/+t/SbY67w==.
Installed System.Memory 4.5.3 from with content hash 3oDzvc/zzetpTKWMShs1AADwZjQ/36HnsufHRPcOjyRAAMLDlu2iD33MBI2opxnezcVUtXyqDXXjoFMOU9c7SA==.
Installed Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms 2.0.0 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages\ with content hash VdLJOCXhZaEMY7Hm2GKiULmn7IEPFE4XC5LPSfBVCUIA8YLZVh846gtfBJalsPQF2PlzdD7ecX7DZEulJ402ZQ==.
Installed System.Security.AccessControl 4.7.0 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages\ with content hash JECvTt5aFF3WT3gHpfofL2MNNP6v84sxtXxpqhLBCcDRzqsPBmHhQ6shv4DwwN2tRlzsUxtb3G9M3763rbXKDg==.
Installed System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe 4.5.0 from with content hash YrzNWduCDHhUaSRBxHxL11UkM2fD6y8hITHis4/LbQZ6vj3vdRjoH3IoPWWC9uDXK2wHIqn+b5gv1Np/VKyM1g==.
Package 'System.Text.Encoding.CodePages 4.5.0' from source '': Signature Hash Algorithm: SHA256
Package 'System.Text.Encoding.CodePages 4.5.0' from source '': Verifying the author primary signature with certificate: 

Package 'System.Text.Encoding.CodePages 4.5.0' from source '':   SHA1 hash: F404000FB11E61F446529981C7059A76C061631E
Package 'System.Text.Encoding.CodePages 4.5.0' from source '':   Issued by: CN=DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US
Package 'System.Text.Encoding.CodePages 4.5.0' from source '': Timestamp: 5/16/2018 2:07:24 AM

Package 'System.Text.Encoding.CodePages 4.5.0' from source '': Verifying author primary signature's timestamp with timestamping service certificate: 
  Subject Name: CN=Symantec SHA256 TimeStamping Signer - G3, OU=Symantec Trust Network, O=Symantec Corporation, C=US
  SHA1 hash: A9A4121063D71D48E8529A4681DE803E3E7954B0
  SHA256 hash: C474CE76007D02394E0DA5E4DE7C14C680F9E282013CFEF653EF5DB71FDF61F8
  Issued by: CN=Symantec SHA256 TimeStamping CA, OU=Symantec Trust Network, O=Symantec Corporation, C=US
  Valid from: 12/23/2017 5:30:00 AM to 3/23/2029 5:29:59 AM

Installed System.Reflection.Emit 4.3.0 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages\ with content hash 228FG0jLcIwTVJyz8CLFKueVqQK36ANazUManGaJHkO0icjiIypKW7YLWLIWahyIkdh5M7mV2dJepllLyA1SKg==.
Installed System.Reflection.Primitives 4.3.0 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages\ with content hash 5RXItQz5As4xN2/YUDxdpsEkMhvw3e6aNveFXUn4Hl/udNTCNhnKp8lT9fnc3MhvGKh1baak5CovpuQUXHAlIA==.
Installed System.Security.Principal.Windows 4.7.0 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages\ with content hash ojD0PX0XhneCsUbAZVKdb7h/70vyYMDYs85lwEI+LngEONe/17A0cFaRFqZU+sOEidcVswYWikYOQ9PPfjlbtQ==.
Installed System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration 4.3.0 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages\ with content hash 59tBslAk9733NXLrUJrwNZEzbMAcu8k344OYo+wfSVygcgZ9lgBdGIzH/nrg3LYhXceynyvTc8t5/GD4Ri0/ng==.
Installed System.Reflection 4.3.0 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages\ with content hash KMiAFoW7MfJGa9nDFNcfu+FpEdiHpWgTcS2HdMpDvt9saK3y/G4GwprPyzqjFH9NTaGPQeWNHU+iDlDILj96aQ==.
Installed Microsoft.Win32.Registry 4.7.0 from with content hash KSrRMb5vNi0CWSGG1++id2ZOs/1QhRqROt+qgbEAdQuGjGrFcl4AOl4/exGPUYz2wUnU42nvJqon1T3U0kPXLA==.
Installed System.Text.Encoding 4.3.0 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages\ with content hash BiIg+KWaSDOITze6jGQynxg64naAPtqGHBwDrLaCtixsa5bKiR8dpPOHA7ge3C0JJQizJE+sfkz1wV+BAKAYZw==.
Installed System.Threading.Tasks 4.3.0 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages\ with content hash LbSxKEdOUhVe8BezB/9uOGGppt+nZf6e1VFyw6v3DN6lqitm0OSn2uXMOdtP0M3W4iMcqcivm2J6UgqiwwnXiA==.
Installed System.IO 4.3.0 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages\ with content hash 3qjaHvxQPDpSOYICjUoTsmoq5u6QJAFRUITgeT/4gqkF1bajbSmb1kwSxEA8AHlofqgcKJcM8udgieRNhaJ5Cg==.
Package 'Aspose.Words 21.12.0' from source '': Signature Hash Algorithm: SHA256
Package 'Aspose.Words 21.12.0' from source '': Service index:
Package 'Aspose.Words 21.12.0' from source '': Owners: Aspose
Package 'Aspose.Words 21.12.0' from source '': Verifying the repository primary signature with certificate: 

Package 'Aspose.Words 21.12.0' from source '':   SHA1 hash: 68FC37CCC293766A607DBC26A26DF371B0249328
Package 'Aspose.Words 21.12.0' from source '':   Issued by: CN=DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US
Package 'Aspose.Words 21.12.0' from source '': Timestamp: 12/8/2021 4:40:46 PM

Package 'Aspose.Words 21.12.0' from source '': Verifying repository primary signature's timestamp with timestamping service certificate: 
  Subject Name: CN=Symantec SHA256 TimeStamping Signer - G3, OU=Symantec Trust Network, O=Symantec Corporation, C=US
  SHA1 hash: A9A4121063D71D48E8529A4681DE803E3E7954B0
  SHA256 hash: C474CE76007D02394E0DA5E4DE7C14C680F9E282013CFEF653EF5DB71FDF61F8
  Issued by: CN=Symantec SHA256 TimeStamping CA, OU=Symantec Trust Network, O=Symantec Corporation, C=US
  Valid from: 12/23/2017 5:30:00 AM to 3/23/2029 5:29:59 AM

Installed System.Runtime 4.3.0 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages\ with content hash JufQi0vPQ0xGnAczR13AUFglDyVYt4Kqnz1AZaiKZ5+GICq0/1MH/mO/eAJHt/mHW1zjKBJd7kV26SrxddAhiw==.
Package 'SkiaSharp 2.80.1' from source '': Signature Hash Algorithm: SHA256
Package 'SkiaSharp 2.80.1' from source '': Verifying the author primary signature with certificate: 

Package 'SkiaSharp 2.80.1' from source '':   SHA1 hash: F404000FB11E61F446529981C7059A76C061631E
Package 'SkiaSharp 2.80.1' from source '':   Issued by: CN=DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US
Package 'SkiaSharp 2.80.1' from source '': Timestamp: 7/14/2020 8:44:35 AM

Package 'SkiaSharp 2.80.1' from source '': Verifying author primary signature's timestamp with timestamping service certificate: 
  Subject Name: CN=Symantec SHA256 TimeStamping Signer - G3, OU=Symantec Trust Network, O=Symantec Corporation, C=US
  SHA1 hash: A9A4121063D71D48E8529A4681DE803E3E7954B0
  SHA256 hash: C474CE76007D02394E0DA5E4DE7C14C680F9E282013CFEF653EF5DB71FDF61F8
  Issued by: CN=Symantec SHA256 TimeStamping CA, OU=Symantec Trust Network, O=Symantec Corporation, C=US
  Valid from: 12/23/2017 5:30:00 AM to 3/23/2029 5:29:59 AM

NU3008: Package 'System.Text.Encoding.CodePages 4.5.0' from source '': The package integrity check failed. The package has changed since it was signed. Try clearing the local http-cache and run nuget operation again.
NU3008: Package 'Aspose.Words 21.12.0' from source '': The package integrity check failed. The package has changed since it was signed. Try clearing the local http-cache and run nuget operation again.
NU3008: Package 'SkiaSharp 2.80.1' from source '': The package integrity check failed. The package has changed since it was signed. Try clearing the local http-cache and run nuget operation again.
Package restore failed. Rolling back package changes for 'FileConversion'.
Time Elapsed: 00:01:23.3832190
========== Finished ==========

@nageshr Thank you for additional information. But I still cannot reproduce this on my side. I tried with Visual Studio 2022 and Visual Studio for Mac and in both cases Aspose.Words was successfully installed into the .NET 6 project.
Do you use some tool for signing assemblies like Brutal.Dev.StrongNameSigner? Or something else that can modify the assembly?
Could you please attach a simple project where you are trying to install Aspose.Words?

Nope, am not using any signing assemblies. Sign the assembly checkbox is unchecked.
The code is below, just a few lines.

using Aspose.words;

Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!, am starting to load a .mht file and convert into .pptx");

// Load the MHT document from directory
Document doc = new Document("input.mht");

// Save the document in Pdf format

Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!, am done with conversion, please check.");


Hi Alexey.

Now i resolved the issue. The trick was, downgraded the .NET, C# versions to 3.1, 8 then installed Aspose.words and changed the versions back to 6 & 10. Now Aspose.words has installed.

@nageshr It is perfect that you managed to resolve the issue on your side. It looks like a bug in the NuGet Package Manager. Strange thing is that I cannot reproduce the problem on my side. I tried clearing NuGet caches and creating a test application from scratch.