Page have not room to place a paragraph

Hello, I use aspose pdf to generate PDF file, but I report an error “ page have not room to place a paragraph”, is the word too big ?, is there a relevant setting to make the oversized text wrap


It depends upon how you are adding text in the PDF. Can you please share the code snippet so that we can further check the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly?

Document document = new Document(_dataDir + "sample.pdf");

Page pdfPage = document.getPages().add();

TextFragment textFragment = new TextFragment("Aspose.PDF");
textFragment.setPosition(new Position(80, 700));


page.getParagraphs().add(textFragment); + "AddText_out.pdf");

Or you have a good way to support automatic spreads, you can send me, thank you


It looks like you are trying to add a text stamp inside PDF document. For the purpose, please check below code snippet and use it:

Furthermore, you need to give text coordinates within the page boundaries while adding text to an existing PDF. In case you still face any issues, can you please share the sample PDF that you are using to add text into?