Page Size of Document is Changed after DOCX to PDF conversion

Hi all,
I’d like to confirm that this ticket is referring to the same issue I am having:
I am converting a letter-size paged Word document to PDF (using ASPOSE.Words 20.11.0 on .Net 4.7.2) and it outputs in A4 size pages.

The code itself is only the following:

Document doc = new Document(sourceFile);
PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();
options.EmbedFullFonts = false;
doc.Save(targetFile, options);

If it is indeed the same, can you pls let me know if there has been any progress on the WORDSNET-20122 item?



We need your document for investigation of this issue. Could you please ZIP and attach your input Word document? We will investigate the issue and provide you more information on it.