Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'Aspose.Pdf.Demos.VisualBasic.Global'

I just installed software, then I’m trying to open demo folders. I made virtual directory, then click the link, but I got this error!

Please help!!!

Server Error in ‘/Aspose.Pdf.Demos.VisualBasic’ Application.

Parser Error
Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Could not load type ‘Aspose.Pdf.Demos.VisualBasic.Global’.

Source Error:

Line 1: <%@ Application Codebehind=“Global.asax.vb” Inherits=“Aspose.Pdf.Demos.VisualBasic.Global” %>

Source File: C:\Program Files\Aspose\Aspose.Pdf\Demos\Aspose.Pdf.Demos.VisualBasic\global.asax Line: 1

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:1.1.4322.573; ASP.NET Version:1.1.4322.573

Dear jhong26,

Thank you for considering Aspose.

You need to go 2 steps before run the demo:

1. Create vertual directory that point to (Aspose.Pdf path)\Demos. You have done it well.

2. Build the peoject with VisualStudio.Net. Open Aspose.Pdf.Demos.VisualBasic.vbproj and build.

I did all 2 steps you mentioned. But I still get same error. Help!!!

Dear jhong26,

Thank you for considering Aspose.

Maybe the error is caused by .NET version? The demo is built with .NET 1.0. I will try to find if it can work directly in .NET 1.1. Please create a new web project,add the demo files into the new project,build the project and try to run it.

Dear Aspose,

I don’t want to spend my valuable time to figure out this error any more. I’m sure I have used all the possible ways to fix this error.

For example,

  1. Test on three different machines on different versions.
  2. Followed step by step instruction from you.
  3. Updated hot fix files.
  4. Built on

Let me get my money back.


Dear Jay,

"Could not load type ‘Aspose.Pdf.Demos.VisualBasic.Global’. " error is simply caused by failing to build the demos. If you open it in Visual Studio .Net then build it. It should be OK.

Anyway please talk to me using one of the Live Support at Contact Aspose.