Part of the content in cells is lost after converting Word to PDF

I have a Word document containing table, and when I convert it to PDF or image using Aspose.Words, part of the content of the cells is lost.

Sample Code

void Main()
	var doc = new Aspose.Words.Document(@"C:\Users\54390\Downloads\18-f32d81e192f940b692e566284e709ffb.docx");
	doc.Save(@"C:\Users\54390\Downloads\output.pdf", Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Pdf);

Version Info

Aspose.Words for Net 24.1.0

Demo File

18-f32d81e192f940b692e566284e709ffb.docx (24.8 KB)

Output File

output.pdf (98.2 KB)

Screenshot Info

20240107144157.jpg (285.5 KB)

@sullivan Please note, the text 610523104204JC00083 is hidden and MS Word also does not show it if disable displaying hidden content. However MS Word shows another text.

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