Does Aspose PDF or PDFKit support “PDF Bates Numbering” or “Bates Stamping”?
Hi Sudheer,
Aspose.Pdf.Kit currently doesn’t provide the feature of Bates Stamping. It only allows you stamp a PDF file with some text or image using PdfFileStamp class. However, I have logged this requirement as
PDFKITNET-10848 in our issue tracking system. You’ll be updated via this forum as this feature is provided in Aspose.Pdf.Kit; nevertheless, I’m afraid this can’t be supported in short time.
We’re sorry for the inconvenience.
Has the Bates Numbering feature been added since this post in 2009?
Hi Dale,
I am afraid your requested feature is not supported at the moment. I have asked the development team to share the plan to support the feature. I will update you once I get a feedback from their side.
Sorry for the inconvenience,
Hi again --
I was looking at the documentation for ASPOSE.PDF and see this feature: "Add Page Number Stamp in a PDF File"
It seems to me that this function performs the same basic functions as one would expect in "Bates Numbering".
Has anyone tried this to handle Bates Numbering? How would a Bates Numbering feature differ from this feature?
Hi Dale,
The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using BugNotificationTool from Downloads module by MuzammilKhan
Any update on this Bates Numbering as being offered by Adobe? The Remove Bates Numbering is there but not Add. Please give us an update.
Can you please share a little bit more details like in which perspective do you require this feature? What you are actually doing while processing the PDF. We will log a feature request and share the ID with you.
Hi asad.ali,
We would like to add bates numbering through stamping technique as offered by adobe (Adobe bates numbering). We know that aspose offers various stamping techniques but we would like to add bates numbering as supported by Adobe’s bates numbering. Aspose PDF currently has limited support only providing the mechanism for removing existing bates numbers as shown in the code snippet below but not the add functionality. We would like if this add bates numbering feature is added please.
Document doc = new Document(@"C:\Samples\Sample-Document03.pdf");
foreach (var page in doc.Pages)
var batesNum = page.Artifacts.First(ar => ar.CustomSubtype == "BatesN");
Thank you
We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.
Issue ID(s): PDFNET-55803
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