PDF.BindXML "Unauthorized" Error

I get the following error when binding an xsl file to an in-memory XmlDataDocument:

The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.

Here’s the line of code that causes the error:

ReportPDF.BindXML(xmlrsData, xslFile);

xslFile is set to http://mars/banksII/images/pdf/OilGasWellReport.xsl

This is a web app. The problem is only occurring on my new laptop. It is successfully running on my desktop and a production web server. I can’t find any differences in setup or permissions. I had this problem last year on another computer but can’t remember how I resolved it. I have the most up-to-date Aspose.pdf.dll.

I feel like this is fundamentally basic problem with the setup. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Dear Marit,

Thank you for considering Aspose.

I have tried to open the xsl document but failed. Are you sure the url is correct and user can access this file without password?

No, the xsl file is not available to the public. I was just showing that the path to the xsl is a fully-qualified url. I’ve heard that aspose doesn’t do relative paths very well.
