PDF Compiling


I am trying to acheive a few different operations which I hope I might acheive with your software. I am attempting to compile together some word docs with some pdf docs into a master pdf and then create a table of contents for the master pdf.

I have managed to turn the docs inot pdf using Aspose.Word and then concatented the pdfs together using Aspose.Pdf.Kit but I cant seem to work out how to add pages to the beginning of the master pdf and create my table of contents.

Hope you can help,


Hi Ken,

Thank you very much for considering Aspose.

In order to insert page(s) from a particular pdf into another pdf at a particular location, you can use insert method. If you notice, the second parameter allows you to specify the location where you can insert the new pages.

Regarding your other requirement, I’m afraid that Aspose.Pdf.Kit currently doesn’t support creating Table of Contents. However, please share some details about how would you like to create the table of contents i.e. from bookmarks etc. Kindly share your idea and we’ll try to provide this feature in our new versions in future.

We’re looking forward to help you out.