PDF Editor and Write Annotations

How to i Edit Pdf document and add annotations and save that document.
Can you please provide sample code


There are different types of annotations, some for redaction, some for creating links, for example.

Since I am not sure which one are the ones you need to do, I will link the documentation page where all the different types of annotations are linked. From there, you can pick the one you need, and it has its own page and code samples. Add, Delete and Get Annotation|Aspose.PDF for .NET

Hi carlos,

Thanks for ur support and response . But my requirement is how to edit pdf file in browser with Web API .
Could you please provide sample code .



What do you mean by that? This is the Aspose.Pdf API free support forum.

Are you talking about the cloud app? PDF Editor | Online and Free | Aspose.PDF

Can you specify what product you are using? Where did you get it? Just to be sure and provide the support you need or direct you to where you need to go.