PDF filesize increases with aspose?

In the following example I am loading an pdf and then saving it. The original pdf on disc is 50KB but after saving it with Aspose the size increases to 83KB.

  public void Attach(string sourcePdfFilePath, string targetPdfFilePath)
        Document pdfDocument = new Document(sourcePdfFilePath);

        if (File.Exists(targetPdfFilePath))

So the question is, why does the size increase so dramatically when I don’t do any processing? And secondly, how can I fix it? I have tried using the Optimize method:


But it only reduces the size by 1KB or so down to 80KB.

I am using the free trial at the moment, as of my understading the watermark might add a little bit, but surely not 30KB?


The file size can be increased due to fonts embedding. Please try to optimize the file size using OptimizeResouces method. In case issue still persists, please share your sample PDF document with us. We will test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.

Hi, I tried that as well but it didn’t reduce the size at all. Sadly I cannot share any pdfs.


Some times issues are related to specific type of PDF document structure and in order to investigate them, we need sample files. In case you cannot share your PDF publicly, you can share it in a private message by clicking over username and press Blue Message button. We will use it for testing and addressing the issue that you are facing and share our feedback with you accordingly.