Pdf from sql server 2005 within asp.net 2005 application (using VB)

I have downloaded trial package for: Aspose.pdf for reporting services.

What I am trying to achieve (therefore looking for a very good package -without headache):

  • populate a pdf from sql server 2005 within an asp.net 2005 application (using VB)
  • been able to deploy this web-application, including the reports (pdfs) onto a web-site (host: cyberhost) without all the problems I do get with crystal reports.

I do hope the package does do this?

How do I now create this pdf-report from my web-application (asp.net 2005)?

  • do I need to bring in the component or did I forgot to do something so it appears when I create a ‘new item’?

Thanks for your help,



Thank you for considering Aspose.

Aspose.Pdf for Reporting Services is an extension of SQL Server Reporting Services. If your report is generated by SQL Server Reporting Services, Aspose.Pdf for Reporting Services can help you to output the report as PDF.
It seems you are not using SQL Server Reporting Services. If you want to create a web application that generates PDF reports from database, you can refer to our NorthWind demos.
If you have more questions please elaborate your requirement first.