PDF on mobile safari IPAD

Recently i am developing a webapp for Ipad which have to show several PDF files.

In the safari browser the pdf files show up incomplete. I have read that this has something to do with IOS cannot show images compressed with JPG2000.
When i pickup the file on my Pc and print it with Bullzip PDFprinter, put that file back on the Ipad , it shows up fine.
Converting all the files by hand is no option.
Is anybody familiar with this problem and can Aspose PDF be of any assistance converting the files on the fly.


Hello Hans,

Thanks for using our products.

As per your statement, the problem seems to be occurring due to iOS limitation. So as a solution, do you need a feature to read JPEG2000 file format and place it as simple JPEG in PDF document so that the issue does not appear ? Please confirm so that we can log it as an enhancement. If I have not properly understood your requirement, please share some details. We apologize for your inconvenience.

If possible, can you please share the sample PDF document causing this problem so that we can try viewing it at our end.

Hello Nayyer,

Thanks for your answer. I was a bit confused about the PDF and jumped to quickly to the conclusion that it must have something to do with JPEG2000. I thought the PDF where made off images. But they are not.
I work in a hospital and the PDF i must show on the ipad are produced by medical equipment in this case a Lung Functioning Machine.
I investigated further and i have come to the conclusion that is has to do with fonts. The fonts are not included in the PDF and probably missing on the Ipad.
Is there a possiblity to include the fonts with PDF.net

Sorry i cannot send you a sample because in the PDF is data from real patients.

Thanks a lot.

Hans Lammers

Hello Hans,

Thanks for sharing the details.

In case some font is not installed over target machine and you need to embed it in PDF document, then I am pleased to share that Aspose.Pdf for .NET supports this feature. Please visit the following link for information on
Fonts embedding while creating PDF

In case the problem is still not resolved, please share the sample PDF document because until or unless we have investigated the specific problem at our end, we might not be able to figure out the actual root cause of this problem. We only use the client data for test/investigation purpose. In case you are not comfortable while sharing the document in this forum thread, you may directly send us the document. Please follow the instructions shared over following link to send the file directly to us How to send a license?

In the event of any further query, please feel free to contact. We apologize for your inconvenience.