PDF-PDFA conversion using Aspose Java


We have a requirement to convert PDF to PDF/A document. We are using Aspose Java version 22.8. The code we are using is provided below. When we run this code on windows local, we see the desired output and the documents are successfully converted to PDF/A. However, when we execute this code as an AWS lambda, the pdf document is not converted to PDF/A. We have added the conversion log to see if that provides any information. The conversion log on local and AWS look the same. As we are able to convert successfully on local server, we are assuming whatever is printed to conversion log is not a problem.

Code.docx (13.0 KB)

PDF Document:
Input.pdf (31.4 KB)

Converted Document:
output.pdf (77.0 KB)

Conversion Log:
ConversionLog.docx (13.5 KB)

Please advise if we are missing something here.



The issue seems related to the missing fonts. Can you please make sure that all required fonts are available in the environment where conversion is happening? Also, please try to use 23.11 version of the API (as always recommended). In case issue still persists, please let us know.


Thank you for the quick response. How can we know what all are the required fonts? We already have some fonts in the environment. Attached is the list of fonts that are currently available. Please advise.

FontsList.docx (12.6 KB)


This case needs to be investigated further. We will deep dive into the issue that you are facing. Meanwhile, can you please also share the valid output file that you have obtained in the Windows (local) environment at your end? Also, as requested earlier - please try to use 23.11 version of the API as well.


Attached the document that was generated locally on windows.

PDFToPDFA_LocalOutput.pdf (110.7 KB)



We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): PDFJAVA-43397

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

Hello any update on this?



We are afraid that the ticket is not yet resolved. We will prioritize it on a first come first serve basis and let you know as soon as it is resolved. Please spare us some time.

Hello, could you please let us know if there is n update on this. We are awaiting on this issue resolution to move some critical changes to production.

PLease note that we also have paid support. However, we are not moving this to paid support as that might lose the history and will have to be started from scratch.



We are afraid that there are no updates yet regarding ticket resolution. Furthermore, we cannot escalate the issue priority up to certain level in free support model. You need to create a ticket in paid support forum to escalate the issue priority to the highest level if it is a showstopper for you. You can simply copy the content of this thread and create a post in the paid support forum to keep the history maintained for you. As long as it is concerned here, all the history is already maintained at our end under the logged ticket. We apologize for the inconvenience.