PDF Rendering problem


We have two questions about PDF rendering as follows:

1) When rendering a PDF from PPT we notice that the drop-shadow on text is missing in the PDF when a text shadow has been applied using the green 'Shadow Style' button on the bottom-bar in PowerPoint 2003. Shadows applied using the Format/Font/Shadow tick-box works OK, but many of our customers apply drop shadows using the green button instead - see attached slide. Is this something that can be fixed please, if so, when?

2) Some PowerPoint Objects with graduated shading do not seem to render to PDF at all - please compare the attached PPT slide with its PDF output? Again, is this something that can be fixed please, if so, when?

A quick reply would be appreciated since we're in a live dialog with our customers. Many thanks.


Dear Brabbs,

Thanks for reporting, we will soon fix it and let you know.

Hello Brabbs and Si,

Sorry, but shadows for text (except shadow which can be set in font dialog) are not supported
on thumbnails and currently there is no way to implement it. They should work in 3-4 months.

Gradient fill styles in PDF are under investigation and most probably will be fixed soon.

Hi Alexey,

Any progress on this shadow issue for thumbnails yet, it will be v. useful to have this resolved soon?

Also the graduated fills on PDFs if you can?

Many thanks.


Please check attached new version of Aspose.Slides for .Net. It has several PDF rendering improvements:
- added support for text shadows
- implemented gradients rendering
- improved quality of images
- reduced size of generated pdf

Thanks Alexey,

This is a great improvement all round. Well Done guys!

Actually, there are three more things - referring to the attached files (‘Sample Presentation.ppt’ & ‘Sample Presentation.pdf’)

  1. On the second slide, two of the images at the bottom are in WMF Enhanced Windows Metafile format and have transparent backgrounds. WMF and PNG images print well in PPT format and when converted to PDF locally (using Acrobat). After Aspose, however, instead of leaving the transparent background of WMP & PNG images trasparent, it prints dark blue or black color when we print the PDF file.

  2. On slides 5, 6, 11, 12 & 14 the arrow heads at the end of the lines are missing after conversion to PDF.

  3. Resolution of the images in PDF output looks almost as good as a PDF file created locally using Acrobat exchange. Only some images look smudged. Acrobat exchange default settings for the images are as follows so please can you let us know the image setting used by Aspose Slides PDF output. Typical Acrobat settings are:-

  • for Color images:
    BiCubic Downsampling to 150 pixels per inch for images above 225 pixels per inch
    Compression: Automatic (JPEG), Image Quality Medium

  • for Grayscale images:
    BiCubic Downsampling to 150 pixels per inch for images above 225 pixels per inch
    Compression: Automatic (JPEG), Image Quality Medium

  • for Monochrome images:
    BiCubic Downsampling to 1200 pixels per inch for images above 1800 pixels per inch
    Compression: CCITT Group 4 Anti-alias to gray Off

Apologies if this is a little ‘picky’ but the PDF output from Aspose Slides is for printing in this case, so image quality is all-important.

Thanks again.