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Aspose pdf for Java latest version 24.1 does not have this method
Is there any other way to convert PDF RBG to CMYK
Can you please share the entire chunk of the code where you were using this method? We will provide you the alternate solution from the perspective of the latest available version of the API.
Change Color Space of PDF Document using Java | Aspose.PDF Java PDF Processing API
// Change the color space to CMYK
this document show this method but now i cant find it
Please try to use below code snippet to convert RGB document into CMYK:
Document document = new Document("RGB.pdf");
// converting text colors to CMYK
PdfFormatConversionOptions options = new PdfFormatConversionOptions("CMYK-logs.log", PdfFormat.PDF_X_1A);
In the meanwhile, we are checking the older information shared over the link and will update it accordingly.
@asad.ali thanks for you reply
can you tell me param CMYK-logs.log
can i use other param to change pdf gray or black?
The .log file contains errors information and log that API faces and resolves during the conversion of PDF to PDF/X_1A.
From RGB to Grayscale conversion, you can please use below code sinppet:
using (Document document = new Document(dataDir + "input.pdf"))
Aspose.Pdf.RgbToDeviceGrayConversionStrategy strategy = new Aspose.Pdf.RgbToDeviceGrayConversionStrategy();
for (int idxPage = 1; idxPage <= document.Pages.Count; idxPage++)
// Get instance of particular page inside PDF
Page page = document.Pages[idxPage];
// Convert the RGB colorspace image to GrayScale colorspace
// Save resultant file
document.Save(dataDir + "Test-gray_out.pdf");