PDF Table DefaultCellPadding Problem

I just updated to the latest version of PDF.net 2010.01.31

Our tables were fine and we were updating for other issues. Since we updated here is our problem.

We create a 2x2 table to fill the full page for each cell we want a half inch pad/margin.

Page 1 is perfect, page 2 and 3 are not. They loose the 0.5 inch margin on top.

I have attached an example PDF (issue.pdf) that was created with the code below.




dim show_label_lines as boolean
show_label_lines = true

Dim pdf1 As Pdf = New Pdf()
Dim license As license = New license

pdf1.PageSetup.PageHeight = inch_to_point(8.5)
pdf1.PageSetup.PageWidth = inch_to_point(11)
pdf1.PageSetup.Margin.Left = inch_to_point(0)
pdf1.PageSetup.Margin.right = inch_to_point(0)
pdf1.PageSetup.Margin.top = inch_to_point(0)
pdf1.PageSetup.Margin.bottom = inch_to_point(0)

Dim sec1 As Section = pdf1.Sections.Add()
Dim tab1 As Aspose.Pdf.Table = New Aspose.Pdf.Table()
tab1.isrowbroken = false

tab1.ColumnWidths = inch_to_point(5.5) & " " & inch_to_point(5.5)
tab1.DefaultCellPadding.Left = inch_to_point(cdbl(0.5))
tab1.DefaultCellPadding.right = inch_to_point(cdbl(0.5))
tab1.DefaultCellPadding.top = inch_to_point(cdbl(0.5))
tab1.DefaultCellPadding.bottom = inch_to_point(cdbl(0.5))
tab1.DefaultCellTextInfo.FontSize = "9"
tab1.DefaultCellTextInfo.FontName = "Arial"

dim currrow, skiprow, from_add_row, to_add_row as row

dim cnt1, cnt2 as integer

for cnt1 = 1 to 6
currrow = tab1.Rows.Add()
currrow.fixedrowheight = inch_to_point(4.25)
for cnt2 = 1 to 2
Dim xcell As Cell = currrow.Cells.Add(cnt1 & "x" & cnt2)
xcell.Border = New BorderInfo(CType(BorderSide.All, Integer), 1.0)
pdf1.Save(server.mappath("work") & "\" & "issue.pdf")

function inch_to_point(use_inch) as double
if use_inch < 0 then
inch_to_point = 0
inch_to_point = use_inch * 72
end if
end function

Hello Mike,

Thanks for using our products.

I've tested the scenario and I'm able to notice the same problem. For the sake of correction, I've communicated it to the development team. They will further look into the details of this problem and we will keep you updated on the status of correction. Please be patient and spare us little time.

Your cooperation and comprehension is greatly appreciated in this regard.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

We apologize for your inconvenience.

Can we please get an update on this fix, production is stuck since we have purchased the upgrade.


Hello Mike,

Sorry for replying you late.

I've discussed this matter with development team and as per our initial estimates, the ETA regarding the resolution of this problem is one week. Please be patient and spare us little time.

Your comprehension is greatly appreciated in this regard.

We apologize for your inconvenience.

Hate to be a complainer but can we get an update as we have now been waiting for this fix for 3 weeks.



Hello Mike,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Sorry for the inconvenience.

I have again discussed this matter with the development team and I am afraid the issue is not yet resolved. The issue is already marked as High priority and we expect to share some definite timelines regarding its resolution by next week. I know it’s already been quite late but still I would request you to please spare us little more time.

Your patience and cooperation is greatly appreciated in this regard.

For all the promises made of an ETA of 1 week and the requests to please be patient and space us a little time. We have done that and more. We are coming up on a 3 month wait for this to be addressed. Not only is the problem not fixed but we don’t even get promised updates without us asking you. While we understand that this is not your only task you also have to understand that we hitched our code to this component by choice and there are many more out there that do the same thing. The evaluation of your competitors has begun, so now the clock is ticking on your end. If you would like to keep us as a future customer this needs to be fixed ASAP.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 15073) have been fixed in this update.

This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by aspose.notifier.


I am also facing teh similar issue with the top margin for teh table not set from the second page onwards. Is the fix available in pdf .net 6.6 version?


Hi Sharanya,

Thanks for your inquiry. I’m afraid above reported issue were resolved in Aspose.Pdf for .NET 4.3.0. Can you please share your sample code and output document here? So we will investigate it and will provide you more information accordingly.

Best Regards,