We are converting powerpoint presentations to PDF using the following code:
Presentation doc = new Presentation(filename);
PdfOptions options = new PdfOptions();
INotesCommentsLayoutingOptions notesOptions = options.getNotesCommentsLayouting();
doc.save(outputFilename, SaveFormat.Pdf, options);
We expect the resulting PDF’s to be searchable. By searchable we mean that the user should be able to select the text inside the resulting PDF and copy it out.
This works well for presentations without speaker notes, but when a presentation has speaker notes only the speaker note text is searchable inside the PDF, it looks like the slide is inserted as an image and not as text.
Here is an example PDF: out.pdf (232.7 KB) as you can see the slide is an image and the speaker notes are rendered as text.
This has been tested with Aspose,Slides 19.1.
Is there any way to make both slide text and speaker note text searchable inside the resulting PDF?