PDF to HTML conversion in C# .NET table structure issue

I am converting pdf to html via online tool. The given output contains table but when I am converting via .net code, it is containing divs not a table structure. How am i gonna correct it with .net so that i can obtain a table structure ?
Thank your for your help.


Would you kindly share your sample PDF document with us so that we can test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.


I faced the same behavior using Aspose.PDF conversion (PDF to HTML), There is a table in the original PDF document but it is rebuilt with divs on the HTML output, this can be a problem for third parties software reading this output.

We found a solution using Aspose.Words (same as the PDF conversion example on your website) but it takes more time to build (which I understand)

Would it be possible to activate some options in Aspose.PDF to convert tables from PDF files in actual HTML tables ? Or do you recommend to use Aspose.Words for this scenario ?

I have attached a sample PDF file including a table.

Tables.pdf (232.4 KB)

The code we use for that is :

Aspose.Pdf.Document pdf = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(file_pdf);
pdf.Save(html_file, Aspose.Pdf.SaveFormat.Html);




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