PDF to SVG Font Encoding to UTF8 is messing with my character mappings

When Convert a PDF to SVG, I need to keep the Font Encoding intact
I use embedded custom-designed proprietary TYPE1 fonts when embedding, ASPOSE is converting these Fonts into TTF using UTF8 encoding, which is messing my output
Converting to UTF8 changes the characters position on the character Map table thus, Missing some Symbols in my output
Perhaps is there a way to tell ASPOSE.PDF not to use UTF8 encoding when Converting and embedding???
I’ll upload images
Thank you in advance
AsposePDFToSVG Bad.PNG (37.2 KB)
AsposePDFToSVG good.PNG (44.7 KB)

This one is currently a blocker in my project, I need to get some answers or suggestions
Once the SVG is created, i though of modifying it with the correct fonts, however, Aspose add some random names to the Style like @font-face {font-family:‘AQFSQL+Arial’; so makes it impossible to replace it with something else


Thanks for contacting support.

Would you please share your sample PDF document and code snippet with us. We will test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.

Original PDF
ORIGINAL.pdf (713.1 KB)
Resulting SVG (please unzip)
OUTPUT.zip (76.3 KB)

This issue is a real block, please help me finding a solution

public static string FormatHTMLRaceCard(List<CardStruct.Race> raceCard, string sourceFolder)
//returns the Cunstructed HTML File location
 var saveOptions = new Aspose.Pdf.SvgSaveOptions();
 double cc = 1.3185;
 int nCounter = 0;
 string outputFolder = Path.Combine(sourceFolder, "SVG"); 
 if (!Directory.Exists (outputFolder ) ) { Directory.CreateDirectory(outputFolder);  }
 foreach (CardStruct.Race  node in raceCard)
	foreach (CardStruct.HorseOrHeader hNode in node.allHorsesWithRaceHeader)
	   string onePdfFile = Path.Combine(sourceFolder, hNode.FileName);
	   Aspose.Pdf.Document pdfDoc2 = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(onePdfFile);
	   string fileToSave = Path.Combine(outputFolder, hNode.FileName.Replace(".pdf", ".svg"));
	   pdfDoc2.Save(fileToSave, saveOptions);

 return fileToSave;


Thanks for sharing requested details.

We have tested the scenario in our environment with Aspose.PDF for .NET 19.1 and were able to notice the issue. We have logged this as PDFNET-45886 in our issue tracking system for the sake of detailed investigation and as soon as we have some definite updates regarding its resolution, we will let you know.

In the meantime, would you please share how you have generated the SVG which image you have shared in your first message (i.e. AsposePDFToSVG good.PNG).

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

The SVG generated from the PDF sent as ORIGINAL.pdf file on second message
The Bad Image is the resulting SVG (OUTPUT.ZIP) generated from the ORIGINAL.pdf using the code snippet shown above on second message
Thank in advance


We were meant to ask about attached screenshot shared by you earlier. Was it screenshot of SVG Image or PDF document?

AsposePDFToSVG good.PNG (44.7 KB)

the good image is the PDF , not an SVG to show how is supposed to look
There is not Good SVG output yet, that is what I’m aiming here
please respond asap, much appreciated


Thanks for your response.

As the issue has been logged recently, it is pending for review due to other pending issues in the queue. However, we have recorded your concerns and will definitely consider them during investigation. We will let you know in case of further updates. Please spare us little time.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as PDFNET-45886) have been fixed in this update.