PDF to Word conversion using Aspose.PDF for .NET


How to convert these files to Persian from PDF to Word?

please help


Thanks for contacting support.

I have observed your issue and like to inform that I have created investigation ticket with ID PDFNET-47641 in our issue tracking system to investigate and resolve this issue as soon possible.

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I’m waiting for you to reply

How long does it take to respond?

With respect


I like to inform this issue has been added recently in our issue tracking system and as per our company policy, the first priority for investigation is given to the Paid Support i.e. Enterprise and Priority Support on first come first serve basis. After that the issues from normal support forum are scheduled for investigation on first come first serve basis. I request for your patience and we will share good news with you soon.

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How many more days do I have to wait?

Thanks, dear


I regret to inform that issue is still unresolved. I request for your patience and we will share good news with you soon.

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I’ve been applying for about a month but haven’t answered yet?

What should I do?

With respect


I regret to inform that we dont have any updates yet. I like to inform that if you are entitled for priority support than please visit Paid support helpdesk to get your issue resolve as soon as possible.


I don’t know how much to pay
Where should I pay?
Please see full explanation

With respect


Can you please visit Paid support link. You will find all details there. If there is still an issue than please contact Purchase forum regarding this inquiry.


I found the online conversion section
But there are problems converting to Persian PDFs How can I tell support to fix it?

With respect


You need to purchase priority support than log ticket in priority support forum and you will get your issue resolved on priority basis. We will investigate and provide you hotfix.