PDF w/ signatures and watermarking is very slow

Aspose.PDF.Document save is going very slow after adding watermarks to a PDF with signatures.
Taking about 7-10 min to download the attached document.
2020 11 24 - SAS DU MITTELBERG - Décisions unanimes des associés nov. 2020.pdf TO TEST.pdf (2.8 MB)


Can you please share the sample code snippet as well that you are using at your end? We will test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.

for (int index = 1; index <= myPageCount; index++)
pg = pdfDoc.Pages[index];
if (WatermarkEnabled)
if (myWatermarkLocationType == WatermarkLocationType.TopAndBottomOfPage)

footerWatermarkStamp.Value = footerString + String.Format("[Page {0} of {1}]", index,



Please also share the definition of stamp and other variables in your code snippet as we were unable to execute it. Please share a complete runnable code snippet that we can use to test the case as the problem seems related to stamps.

Do I need to also pass in the Aspose libraries?


We are afraid we could not understand the context of your reply. Can you please share the complete sample code snippet that we can test in order to replicate the similar issue? Also, please share how much time does API take at your side while executing the code?