PDF417 Barcode

Dear Concern,

I am from dataedge, Bangladesh. dataedge is a leading technology firm . Current we are working on Bangladesh Seafar’s ID generating project.
We wanted to purchase your Aspose.Barcode product family (.net package).

We have downloaded your free dll and tried.
We are trying to generate barcode pdf417 from byte array for seafarer’s ID card as finger
minutiae based data according to ILO document.

I am using up to 686 bytes data for generating . Data Compation mode is byte.
But when try to read barcode using barcode ARH scanner . There is showing checksum mismatch.

ILO document recomendate that xDimention module should be 0.170 mm to 0.175 and
yDimention module is 0.510mm to 0.525mm.

And contrast level should be internationally supported.

After printing SID card that Contrast level is low. Printer resolution is 300dpi.

Can you please help me how to generate pdf417 barcode from byte array with proper encoding that must be valid for all 2d barcode reader .


Tipu Sultan.
Software Engineer,
Data Edge Limited.
Email: tipu@data-edge.com
Web: www.data-edge.com

Hi Tipu,

Thank you for your inquiry and considering Aspose.BarCode APIs.

This is to update you that we need sample code snippet and the generated output to look into this issue. This will help us to reproduce the issue. Please forward us the sample code along with details and output barcode image. We will test it at our end and update you about our findings in this thread.

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your response. I have added zip file for you which is
content three files , Code Snippet, Barcode Image, And Barcode Input data as byte format,

Have you any project experience for Seafarer’s ID Card?

I am facing reading problem because of contrast and encoding problem.

Please give me sussesion how an i can generate proper barcode pdf417
which is 16 columns and 40 rows,



Dear Sir,

Thank you for your response. I have added zip file for you which is
content three files , Code Snippet, Barcode Image, And Barcode Input data as byte format,

Have you any project experience for Seafarer’s ID Card?

I am facing reading problem because of contrast and encoding problem.

Please give me the way how an i can generate proper barcode pdf417
which is 16 columns and 40 rows,



Hi Tipu,

Thank you for sharing samples with us.

We are looking into the issue. We will soon update you about our findings.
Hi Tipu,

This is to update you that we have evaluated the sample provided by you. Initial investigation shows that the issue persists. The issue has been logged into our system with ID BARCODENET-36528. Our product team will further look into it and provide feedback. We will update you accordingly via this forum thread.

Hi Iqram,

When will you give me the updat about BARCODENET-36528
I am waiting for your response.
Because we are very close schedule to deliver the application.


Hi Tipu,

We have asked our product team to provide feedback on this feature request. We will share it with you as soon as we have any feedback.


what is the update of my issue?
Hi Tipu,

Thank you for writing us back.

Our product team has further investigated the issue. Further investigation shows that it is not a bug. The API is working as desired. The issue is with the procedure of reading barcode. When barcode is supplied in the form of bytes then recognition process will return the bytes. So we have to use GetCodeBytes function. Sample code snippets to generate and recognize the barcode is given below for your reference. Please try it at your end and update us with your feedback.

Code to Generate Barcode:

using (Aspose.BarCode.BarCodeBuilder objBcB = new Aspose.BarCode.BarCodeBuilder())
objBcB.EncodeType = Aspose.BarCode.Generation.EncodeTypes.Pdf417;
objBcB.Pdf417CompactionMode = Aspose.BarCode.Pdf417CompactionMode.Binary;
objBcB.FilledBars = true;
objBcB.Resolution = new Aspose.BarCode.Resolution(300, 300, Aspose.BarCode.ResolutionMode.Graphics);
objBcB.xDimension = 0.170f;
objBcB.yDimension = 0.511f;
objBcB.Pdf417Truncate = false;
objBcB.Rows = 40;
objBcB.Columns = 16;
objBcB.Pdf417ErrorLevel = Aspose.BarCode.Pdf417ErrorLevel.Level5;

Code to Recognize Barcode:

using (BarCodeReader reader = new BarCodeReader("barcode.bmp", DecodeType.Pdf417))
if (reader.Read())
byte[] bytes = reader.GetCodeBytes();
foreach (byte item in bytes)
Console.Write("{0} ", item);