Dear Aspose Team,
we are using Aspose.Pdf to convert Pdf documents into PdfA standard (mostly Pdf/A-1b).
Now we came to the problem, that some PdfA validators are not recognizing the document for Pdf/a conformance.
Tested with Aspose.PDF for .Net version 10.6.0.
We are also using ASpose.Pdf for Java version 10.4.1 and see the same issue there.
Coding used (here the .Net code):
Document doc = new Document(pdfFilePath);
doc.Convert(conversionLogFilePath, PdfFormat.PDF_A_1B, ConvertErrorAction.Delete);
Please find attached the source Pdf document, as well as the resulting document.
Any help, support or hints are much appreciated!
In regards to the used PDF/A validators:
pdfa.pdf does not conform to PDF/A.
Validating file “pdfa.pdf” for conformance level pdfa-1b |
The value of the key N is 4 but must be 3. |
A device-specific color space (DeviceRGB) without an appropriate output intent is used. |
The document does not conform to the requested standard. |
The document doesn’t conform to the PDF reference (missing required entries, wrong value types, etc.). |
The document contains device-specific color spaces. |
Thanks and kind regards Wolfgang |
Hello Tilal Ahmad!
Thank you for your feedback.
Unfortunately, the topic does not seem to be so easily solved for us.
We were able to also test with the Aspose Preflight and on our side, we get also there problems on the resulting PDF.
“Document is defect”
"PDF contains data after the EOF-Mark"
and about some creation dates not matching XMP-Metadata.
Please see the attached screenshot for details.
Also it seems, that from the ISO standard, the PDF format for PDF/A 1 should be PDF version 1.4.
We are observing version 1.5 in the Aspose generated documents.
Also we tried to convert to Pdf version 1.4 and afterwards into PDF/A, but this does not seem to work either.
Could you please clarify, if this is valid? Is there any workaround we can use, to get a wider conformity with PDF/A standards?
Any help on this topic is much appreciated!
Thanks and kind regards
Hi Wolfgang,
Thanks for sharing the details.
I have again tested the scenario using Aspose.Pdf for .NET 11.0.0 in VisualStudio 2010 project running over Windows 7 (x64) with .NET Framework 4.0 and when running PDF/A_1b compliance check through Pre-Flight feature of Adobe Acrobat 10.1.1, I am unable to notice any issue. The resultant file is properly passing PDF/A_1b compliance test. For your reference, I have also attached the output generated over my end and the image file showing PDF/A_1b compliance test results.
Can you please try using latest release version and in case you still face any issue, please share your output file and also please share some details regarding your working environment. We are sorry for this inconvenience.
Document doc = new
PdfFormat.PDF_A_1B, ConvertErrorAction.Delete);
Hi Nayyer Shahbaz,
thank you so much for the effort and your feedback.
We are currently clarifying with the customer, what the expected behavior for PDF/A conversion should be.
Your given arguments are quite helpful for the discussions.
Kind regards
while converting a bunch of PDF documents to PDF/A, I also discovered some problems. Some documents will convert just fine and some documents won’t. Here’s the code I use (VB.NET):
Dim converted As Boolean = True
Dim pdfDocument As New Document(path)
If Not pdfDocument.IsPdfaCompliant Then
converted = pdfDocument.Convert(path & “.xml”, PdfFormat.PDF_A_1B, ConvertErrorAction.None)
If converted Then
End If
End If
The convert method result is True in every case. But neither Adobe nor Aspose will recognize the converted documents as a PDF/A document. Please check the added demo files.
I use Aspose.PDF 11.0.0 for .NET 2.0 with Visual Studio 2013. The application is compiled in x86 and runs on Windows 7 64bit.
Edit: I am using a trial license at the moment.
Thanks a lot for your quick reply!
Do you need further pdf files for your analysis of the issue?
Hi again,
good to see, that there is an issue logged.
Although I am not quite sure, what the logged issue really is about…
In the meantime I was able to conduct some further tests and since the findings are not totally related to the initial topic anymore, I felt free to create a new topic:
do you have an update when you will fix this issue (PDFNEWNET-39945)?
Hi Aline,
Thanks for your patience.
I am afraid the earlier reported issue is not yet resolved. However i have intimated the product team to look into this matter and see if we can plan the resolution in near future. As soon as we have some further updates, we will let you know.
We are sorry for this delay and inconvenience.
The issues you have found earlier (filed as PDFNEWNET-39945) have been fixed in Aspose.Pdf for .NET 16.10.0.
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