PdfContentEditor ReplaceText returns Object reference not set to the instance of an object error

Latest Version of Aspose.Pdf

Using the PdfContentEditor and attempting to replace text on certain files throws an “Object reference not set to the instance of an object” error.

image.png (190.1 KB)

image.png (120.3 KB)

image.png (63.6 KB)

private async Task ReplaceAttachmentWithSignatures(CompileAttachment compileAttachment, string filePath)
    await _azureProvider.DownloadToFileAsync(compileAttachment.AzurePdfPath, filePath);
    var document = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(filePath);
    var editor = new PdfContentEditor();
    if (compileAttachment.MagicTags != null)
        List<MagicTag> magicTags = compileAttachment.MagicTags.Where(x => x.Tag == "{{item.number}}" || x.Tag == "{{section.number}}").ToList();

        editor.ReplaceTextStrategy.ReplaceScope = ReplaceTextStrategy.Scope.ReplaceAll;

        foreach (var magicTag in magicTags)
            //Replace all the matching keys in the text
            editor.ReplaceText(magicTag.Tag, magicTag.Value ?? "");

        ELSLogHelper.InsertInfoLog(ELSLogHelper.AsposeLogMessage("Save"), MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()?.Name, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType?.Name, Environment.StackTrace);
        editor = null;

Here is the attachment it is attempting to process.

Bad_ITB FAF FY24 263 C17006 Building K Analyzer_Plan.pdf


We are checking it and will get back to you shortly.

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