PDFFileEditor.append returns 0 byte file


I got a problem with the latest version (4.5) of pdf.kit.

I tried to append the last page of pdf file (append.pdf) to the original pdf (original.pdf) using PDFFileEditor.append method like this:

PdfFileEditor pfe = new PdfFileEditor();
pfe.Append(“original.pdf”, “append.pdf”, 4, 4, “output.pdf”);

It is expected to return 2-page pdf, but the latest pdf.kit returns 0 byte file.
I tested the same code with pdf.kit 3.7 and got the result I desired.
Please take a look sample apps. ( 2 projects included. The only difference is pdf.kit version)

my testing environment is XP SP3 JP + .net 1.1


Hi Yosuke,

I have reproduced this problem at my end and logged it as PDFKITNET-17389 in our issue tracking system. Our team will look into this issue and you’ll be updated via this forum thread once it is resolved.

We’re sorry for the inconvenience.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 17389) have been fixed in this update.

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