PDFKit Printing Not working as expected


Dim options As New PrinterSettings

viewer.PrintPageDialog = False 'do not produce the page number dialog when printing

Dim pgs As New System.Drawing.Printing.PageSettings()

Dim prtdoc As New System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument()

'set printer name

options.PrinterName = prtdoc.PrinterSettings.PrinterName

options.Copies = copies

pgs.Margins = New System.Drawing.Printing.Margins(0, 0, 0, 0)

'print document using printer and page settings

viewer.PrintDocumentWithSettings(pgs, options)

If the printer is set to dual sided printing, your control prints all 1 page documents on both sides of the paper.

If you specify 3 copies it prints the 1 page document on both sides of each copy, 3 times.

Temporariy I substituted a loop to replace the copies function built into the print settings.

Am I missing something ?

Hi Roger,

I’m afraid, we need to investigate this issue in detail before suggesting something. Please spare us some time and you’ll be updated with the results accordingly.

We’re sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi Roger,

I have reproduced this problem at my end and logged it as PDFKITNET-26244 in our issue tracking system. Our team will look into this issue and you’ll be updated via this forum thread once it is resolved.

We’re sorry for the inconvenience.