Perform PDF/UA Compliance test via Aspose.PDF - Get List of Errors


I was hoping if there’s a list of all the error messages that you can get when you do a PDF accessibility checker via Aspose. I needed it for documentation. If there’s no list can you please tell me any site that will have this information?


Thanks for contacting support.

I like to inform that there is no such list. However i have created investigation ticket with ID PDFNET-47507 in our tracking system to investigate if we can provide such list to you.

Thank you Adnan from your quick response. Yes, it would really help us if a list is provided


Sure, we have created ticket to investigate this. I request for your patience and we will share good news with you soon.

Thank you Adnan


You are very welcome.

Hey Adnan,

Good Morning!

Do we have an update on the error list for PDF/UA?

Sagar Anvekar


We like to inform that issue has been added recently in our issue tracking system and in Aspose.PDF forum the issues are selected for investigation on first come first serve basis. Also the first priority for scheduling and resolution is given to paid Enterprise and priority support customers. Then Aspose.PDF normal or free support customers issues are scheduled and resolved on first come and first come serve basis. We will share the further information with you as soon as the issue will be resolved.

Hello Adnan,

Do you have an update for me?

Sagar Anvekar


I like to inform that we have started working on this and will share good news with you soon. I request for your patience.

Dear Ahmed,

Hope you are doing well!

Can you provide me an update on this ticket?

Sagar Anvekar


We are working on this and will share good news with you soon. Please be patient and spare us little time.

Dear Adnan,

Good Morning!

Can you please tell me if you have an update for me?

Sagar Anvekar


Thanks for being patient.

Please check following list of all errors and their description:

Errors and Warnings of PDF/UA validator


Code Severity Message
5:1 Error PDF/UA identifier missing
6.2:1.1 Error Structural parent tree: Inconsistent entry found
7.1:1.1(14.8.1) Error Document is not marked as tagged
7.1:1.1(14.8) Error [OBJECT_NAME] object not tagged
7.1:1.2( Error Artifact present inside tagged content
7.1:1.3( Error Tagged content present inside an artifact
7.1:2.1 Warning Structure tree missing
7.1:2.2 Warning ‘Document’ structure element found which is not a root element
7.1:2.3 Warning ‘[ELEMENT_NAME]’ structure element used as root element
7.1:2.4.1 Warning Possibly inappropriate use of a ‘[ELEMENT_NAME]’ structure element
7.1:2.4.2 Error Invalid use of a ‘[ELEMENT_NAME]’ structure element
7.1:2.5 Warning Possibly wrong nested ‘[ELEMENT_NAME]’ struct element into StructTreeRoot
7.1:3(14.8.4) Error Non-standard structure type ‘[TYPE_NAME]’ is neither mapped to a standard structure type nor to another non-standard structure type
7.1:4(14.8.4) Warning Standard structure type ‘[TYPE_NAME]’ is remapped to ‘[TYPE_NAME]’
7.1:5 Need check manual Color contrast
7.1:6.1 Error XMP metadata missing in document
7.1:6.2 Error Title missing in document’s XMP metadata
7.1:6.3 Warning Title is empty in document’s XMP metadata
7.1:7.1(12.2) Warning ‘ViewerPreferences’ dictionary missing
7.1:7.2(12.2) Error ‘DisplayDocTitle’ entry is not set
7.1:8(14.7.1) Error ‘Suspects’ entry is set
7.1:9.1(14.7) Error ‘StructParents’ key missing in page
7.1:9.2(14.7) Error ‘StructParent’ entry missing in annotation
7.1:9.3(14.7) Error Entry for given ‘StructParents’ not found


Code Severity Message
7.2:1 Need check manual Logical Reading Order
7.2:2( Error Characters in a text object cannot be mapped to Unicode
7.2:3.1( Error Natural language for text object cannot be determined
7.2:3.2( Error Natural language of alternative text cannot be determined
7.2:3.3( Error Natural language of actual text cannot be determined
7.2:3.4( Error Natural language of expansion text cannot be determined
7.2:4(14.9.4) Error Stretchable character no tagged using ActualText


Clause Severity Message Error Character collection in CIDFont is not compartible with character collection of internal CMap Error CIDToGIDMap is not embedded or incomplete in font ‘[FONT_NAME]’ Error CMap is not embedded for font ‘[FONT_NAME]’ Error CIDSet is missing or incomplete for font ‘[FONT_NAME]’ Error Glyphs missing in embedded font ‘[FONT_NAME]’
7.21.6 Error Non-symbolic TrueType font ‘[FONT_NAME]’ has no cmap entries
7.21.6 Error Encoding entry prohibited for symbolic TrueType font ‘[FONT_NAME]’
7.21.6 Error Incorrect encoding is used for TrueType font ‘[FONT_NAME]’
7.21.6 Error Incorrect “Differences” array for non-symbolic TrueType font ‘[FONT_NAME]’


Code Severity Message
7.3:1( Error ‘[ELEMENT_NAME]’ element on a single page with no bounding box
7.3:2 Error Alternative text missing for ‘[ELEMENT_NAME]’ structure element
7.3:3 Error Caption accompanying figure missing
7.3:4( Error Graphics object is appear between the BT and ET operators


Code Severity Message
7.4.2:1 Error First heading is not on the first level
7.4.2:2 Error Numbered heading skips one ore more heading levels
7.4.4:1 Error ‘H’ and ‘Hn’ structure elements found
7.4.4:2 Error More than one ‘H’ structure element inside parent structure element


Code Severity Message
7.5:1 Warning Irregular table row
7.5:2 Error Table header cell has no associated subcells
7.5:3.1 Warning Table headers missing
7.5:3.2 Warning Table summary missing


Code Severity Message
7.6:1 Error ‘LI’ structure element must be a child of ‘L’ element
7.6:2 Error ‘Lbl’ and ‘LBody’ structure element must be children of ‘LI’ element

Notes and references

Code Severity Message
7.9:2.1 Error ID missing in ‘Note’ structure element
7.9:2.2 Error ID entry in ‘Note’ structure element is not unique

Optional content

Code Severity Message
7.10:1 Error ‘Name’ missing in optional content configuration dictionary
7.10:2 Error Optional content configuration dictionary contains ‘AS’ key

Embedded files

Code Severity Message
7.11:1 Error ‘F’ or ‘UF’ key missing in file specification
7.11:2 Warning ‘Desc’ key missing in file specification

Digital signatures

Code Severity Message
7.13:1 Error Signature form field ‘[FIELD_NAME]’ does not conform to the specification
7.13:2.1 Error Natural language of an alternate name of a form field ‘[FIELD_NAME]’ cannot be determined
7.13:2.2 Error Alternate field name entry missing in form field ‘[FIELD_NAME]’

Non-interactive forms

Code Severity Message
7.14:1 Error ‘PrintField’ attribute missing in non-interactive form item


Code Severity Message
7.15:1 Error PDF contains a dynamic XFA form


Code Severity Message
7.16:1( Error Security settings block assistive technologies from accessing document’s content
7.16:2( Error Conversion is not allowed by permission restrictions


Code Severity Message
7.17:1 Error Document Outlines Error
7.17:2 Error Natural language of outlines can be determined
7.17:3 NNeed manual check Semantically appropriate Page Labels


Code Severity Message
7.18.1:1 Error Natural language of Contents entry cannot be determined
7.18.1:2 Error Alternative description missing for an annotation
7.18.1:3 Error Annotation is not nested inside an ‘Annot’ structure element
7.18.2:1 Error An annotation with subtype undefined in ISO 32000 does not meet 7.18.1
7.18.2:2 Error An annotation of subtype TrapNet exists
7.18.3:1 Error Tab order entry in page with annotations not set to ‘S’ (Structure)
7.18.4:1 Error ‘Widget’ annotation not nested inside a ‘Form’ structure element
7.18.5:1 Error ‘Link’ annotation is not nested inside a ‘Link’ structure element Error CT key is missing from the media clip data dictionary Error Alt key is missing from the media clip data dictionary
7.18.7:1 Error File attachment annotation. ‘F’ or ‘UF’ key missing in file specification
7.18.7:2 Warning File attachment annotation. ‘Desc’ key missing in file specification
7.18.8:1 Error A PrinterMark annotation is included in logical structure
7.18.8:2 Error The appearance stream of a PrinterMark annotation is not marked as Artifact


Code Severity Message
7.19:1 Need check manual Actions were found. Need to check actions according to specification PDF/UA manually


Code Severity Message
7.20:1 Error Reference XObject shall not be used in conforming PDF/UA file
7.20:2 Error The content of Form XObject doesn’t incorporated into structure elements

Thank you Asad

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Thank you for providing the error list. I see that you have provided Aspose code . Can you’ll also provide the respective WCAG code with this?

Sagar Anvekar


Another ticket as PDFNET-47855 has been logged in our issue tracking system for your requirements. We will surely inform you as soon as it is resolved. Please spare us some time.

Can you all also provide a description and solutions for the error list because I could not find the description for some errors?


Regarding PDFNET-47855, WCAG says that for a PDF document must comply with the standard ISO 14289-1:2014 - Document management applications — Electronic document file format enhancement for accessibility — Part 1: Use of ISO 32000-1 (PDF/UA-1).
Errors and warnings table is given below. The column ‘PDF/UA Code’ contains paragraph number from the ISO 14289-1:2014 (PDF/UA) specification.

Errors and Warnings of PDF/UA validator (with PDF/UA specification codes)


Code Severity PDF/UA Code Message
5:1 Error 5 PDF/UA identifier missing
6.2:1.1 Error 6.2 Structural parent tree: Inconsistent entry found
7.1:1.1(14.8.1) Error 7.1 Document is not marked as tagged
7.1:1.1(14.8) Error 7.1 [OBJECT_NAME] object not tagged
7.1:1.2( Error 7.1 Artifact present inside tagged content
7.1:1.3( Error 7.1 Tagged content present inside an artifact
7.1:2.1 Warning 7.1 Structure tree missing
7.1:2.2 Warning 7.1 ‘Document’ structure element found which is not a root element
7.1:2.3 Warning 7.1 ‘[ELEMENT_NAME]’ structure element used as root element
7.1:2.4.1 Warning 7.1 Possibly inappropriate use of a ‘[ELEMENT_NAME]’ structure element
7.1:2.4.2 Error 7.1 Invalid use of a ‘[ELEMENT_NAME]’ structure element
7.1:2.5 Warning 7.1 Possibly wrong nested ‘[ELEMENT_NAME]’ struct element into StructTreeRoot
7.1:3(14.8.4) Error 7.1 Non-standard structure type ‘[TYPE_NAME]’ is neither mapped to a standard structure type nor to another non-standard structure type
7.1:4(14.8.4) Warning 7.1 Standard structure type ‘[TYPE_NAME]’ is remapped to ‘[TYPE_NAME]’
7.1:5 Need check manual 7.1 Color contrast
7.1:6.1 Error 7.1 XMP metadata missing in document
7.1:6.2 Error 7.1 Title missing in document’s XMP metadata
7.1:6.3 Warning 7.1 Title is empty in document’s XMP metadata
7.1:7.1(12.2) Warning 7.1 ‘ViewerPreferences’ dictionary missing
7.1:7.2(12.2) Error 7.1 ‘DisplayDocTitle’ entry is not set
7.1:8(14.7.1) Error 7.1 ‘Suspects’ entry is set
7.1:9.1(14.7) Error 7.1 ‘StructParents’ key missing in page
7.1:9.2(14.7) Error 7.1 ‘StructParent’ entry missing in annotation
7.1:9.3(14.7) Error 7.1 Entry for given ‘StructParents’ not found


Code Severity PDF/UA Code Message
7.2:1 Need check manual 7.2 Logical Reading Order
7.2:2( Error 7.2 Characters in a text object cannot be mapped to Unicode
7.2:3.1( Error 7.2 Natural language for text object cannot be determined
7.2:3.2( Error 7.2 Natural language of alternative text cannot be determined
7.2:3.3( Error 7.2 Natural language of actual text cannot be determined
7.2:3.4( Error 7.2 Natural language of expansion text cannot be determined
7.2:4(14.9.4) Error 7.2 Stretchable character no tagged using ActualText


Clause Severity PDF/UA Code Message Error Character collection in CIDFont is not compartible with character collection of internal CMap Error CIDToGIDMap is not embedded or incomplete in font ‘[FONT_NAME]’ Error CMap is not embedded for font ‘[FONT_NAME]’ Error CIDSet is missing or incomplete for font ‘[FONT_NAME]’ Error Glyphs missing in embedded font ‘[FONT_NAME]’
7.21.6 Error 7.21.6 Non-symbolic TrueType font ‘[FONT_NAME]’ has no cmap entries
7.21.6 Error 7.21.6 Encoding entry prohibited for symbolic TrueType font ‘[FONT_NAME]’
7.21.6 Error 7.21.6 Incorrect encoding is used for TrueType font ‘[FONT_NAME]’
7.21.6 Error 7.21.6 Incorrect “Differences” array for non-symbolic TrueType font ‘[FONT_NAME]’


Code Severity PDF/UA Code Message
7.3:1( Error 7.3 ‘[ELEMENT_NAME]’ element on a single page with no bounding box
7.3:2 Error 7.3 Alternative text missing for ‘[ELEMENT_NAME]’ structure element
7.3:3 Error 7.3 Caption accompanying figure missing
7.3:4( Error 7.3 Graphics object is appear between the BT and ET operators


Code Severity PDF/UA Code Message
7.4.2:1 Error 7.4.2 First heading is not on the first level
7.4.2:2 Error 7.4.2 Numbered heading skips one ore more heading levels
7.4.4:1 Error 7.4.4 ‘H’ and ‘Hn’ structure elements found
7.4.4:2 Error 7.4.4 More than one ‘H’ structure element inside parent structure element


Code Severity PDF/UA Code Message
7.5:1 Warning 7.5 Irregular table row
7.5:2 Error 7.5 Table header cell has no associated subcells
7.5:3.1 Warning 7.5 Table headers missing
7.5:3.2 Warning 7.5 Table summary missing


Code Severity PDF/UA Code Message
7.6:1 Error 7.6 ‘LI’ structure element must be a child of ‘L’ element
7.6:2 Error 7.6 ‘Lbl’ and ‘LBody’ structure element must be children of ‘LI’ element

Notes and references

Code Severity PDF/UA Code Message
7.9:2.1 Error 7.9 ID missing in ‘Note’ structure element
7.9:2.2 Error 7.9 ID entry in ‘Note’ structure element is not unique

Optional content

Code Severity PDF/UA Code Message
7.10:1 Error 7.10 ‘Name’ missing in optional content configuration dictionary
7.10:2 Error 7.10 Optional content configuration dictionary contains ‘AS’ key

Embedded files

Code Severity PDF/UA Code Message
7.11:1 Error 7.11 ‘F’ or ‘UF’ key missing in file specification
7.11:2 Warning 7.11 ‘Desc’ key missing in file specification

Digital signatures

Code Severity PDF/UA Code Message
7.13:1 Error 7.13 Signature form field ‘[FIELD_NAME]’ does not conform to the specification
7.13:2.1 Error 7.13 Natural language of an alternate name of a form field ‘[FIELD_NAME]’ cannot be determined
7.13:2.2 Error 7.13 Alternate field name entry missing in form field ‘[FIELD_NAME]’

Non-interactive forms

Code Severity PDF/UA Code Message
7.14:1 Error 7.14 ‘PrintField’ attribute missing in non-interactive form item


Code Severity PDF/UA Code Message
7.15:1 Error 7.15 PDF contains a dynamic XFA form


Code Severity PDF/UA Code Message
7.16:1( Error 7.16 Security settings block assistive technologies from accessing document’s content
7.16:2( Error 7.16 Conversion is not allowed by permission restrictions


Code Severity PDF/UA Code Message
7.17:1 Error 7.17 Document Outlines Error
7.17:2 Error 7.17 Natural language of outlines can be determined
7.17:3 Need manual check 7.17 Semantically appropriate Page Labels


Code Severity PDF/UA Code Message
7.18.1:1 Error 7.18.1 Natural language of Contents entry cannot be determined
7.18.1:2 Error 7.18.1 Alternative description missing for an annotation
7.18.1:3 Error 7.18.1 Annotation is not nested inside an ‘Annot’ structure element
7.18.2:1 Error 7.18.2 An annotation with subtype undefined in ISO 32000 does not meet 7.18.1
7.18.2:2 Error 7.18.2 An annotation of subtype TrapNet exists
7.18.3:1 Error 7.18.3 Tab order entry in page with annotations not set to ‘S’ (Structure)
7.18.4:1 Error 7.18.4 ‘Widget’ annotation not nested inside a ‘Form’ structure element
7.18.5:1 Error 7.18.5 ‘Link’ annotation is not nested inside a ‘Link’ structure element Error 7.18.6 CT key is missing from the media clip data dictionary Error 7.18.6 Alt key is missing from the media clip data dictionary
7.18.7:1 Error 7.18.7 File attachment annotation. ‘F’ or ‘UF’ key missing in file specification
7.18.7:2 Warning 7.18.7 File attachment annotation. ‘Desc’ key missing in file specification
7.18.8:1 Error 7.18.8 A PrinterMark annotation is included in logical structure
7.18.8:2 Error 7.18.8 The appearance stream of a PrinterMark annotation is not marked as Artifact


Code Severity PDF/UA Code Message
7.19:1 Need check manual 7.19 Actions were found. Need to check actions according to specification PDF/UA manually


Code Severity PDF/UA Code Message
7.20:1 Error 7.20 Reference XObject shall not be used in conforming PDF/UA file
7.20:2 Error 7.20 The content of Form XObject doesn’t incorporated into structure elements

Would you please share the errors for which you need a description.

Please find the below list for which I could not find the description of the errors

  1. Structural parent tree: Inconsistent entry found
  2. Structure tree missing
  3. ‘Document’ structure element found which is not a root element
  4. Invalid use of a ‘[ELEMENT_NAME]’ structure element
  5. Possibly wrong nested ‘[ELEMENT_NAME]’ struct element into StructTreeRoot
  6. ‘StructParents’ key missing in page
  7. ‘StructParent’ entry missing in annotation
  8. Entry for given ‘StructParents’ not found
  9. Stretchable character no tagged using ActualText
  10. Character collection in CIDFont is not compartible with character collection of internal CMap
  11. CIDToGIDMap is not embedded or incomplete in font ‘[FONT_NAME]’
  12. CMap is not embedded for font
  13. Glyphs missing in embedded font
  14. Non-symbolic TrueType font ‘[FONT_NAME]’ has no cmap entries
  15. Encoding entry prohibited for symbolic TrueType font
  16. Incorrect encoding is used for TrueType font ‘[FONT_NAME]’
  17. Incorrect “Differences” array for non-symbolic TrueType font
  18. ‘[ELEMENT_NAME]’ element on a single page with no bounding box
  19. Graphics object is appear between the BT and ET operators
  20. ‘H’ and ‘Hn’ structure elements found
  21. More than one ‘H’ structure element inside parent structure element
  22. Irregular table row
  23. Table headers missing
  24. Table summary missing
  25. ‘LI’ structure element must be a child of ‘L’ element
  26. ‘Lbl’ and ‘LBody’ structure element must be children of ‘LI’ element
  27. ‘Name’ missing in optional content configuration dictionary
  28. Optional content configuration dictionary contains ‘AS’ key
  29. ‘F’ or ‘UF’ key missing in file specification
  30. ‘Desc’ key missing in file specification
  31. Signature form field ‘[FIELD_NAME]’ does not conform to the specification
  32. Natural language of an alternate name of a form field ‘[FIELD_NAME]’ cannot be determined
  33. Alternate field name entry missing in form field ‘[FIELD_NAME]’
  34. ‘PrintField’ attribute missing in non-interactive form item
  35. PDF contains a dynamic XFA form
  36. Conversion is not allowed by permission restrictions
  37. Document Outlines Error
  38. Semantically appropriate Page Labels
  39. Annotation is not nested inside an ‘Annot’ structure element
  40. An annotation with subtype undefined in ISO 32000 does not meet 7.18.1
  41. An annotation of subtype TrapNet exists
  42. ‘Widget’ annotation not nested inside a ‘Form’ structure element
  43. CT key is missing from the media clip data dictionary
  44. Alt key is missing from the media clip data dictionary
  45. File attachment annotation. ‘F’ or ‘UF’ key missing in file specification
  46. File attachment annotation. ‘Desc’ key missing in file specification
  47. The appearance stream of a PrinterMark annotation is not marked as Artifact
  48. Actions were found. Need to check actions according to specification PDF/UA manually
  49. Reference XObject shall not be used in conforming PDF/UA file
  50. The content of Form XObject doesn’t incorporated into structure elements

Sagar Anvekar