Hi, I found that creating an Aspose.Pdf.Document
from an HTML file have some performance issue when the component tries to load external resources linked the HTML.
I have attached a sample HTML file, which is the Google search result page of searching the word “Google”: Google Search.zip (158.8 KB)
Simply creating the PDF Document
object from this HTML while internet is connected can take up to 45 seconds:
new Document("Google Search.html", new HtmlLoadOptions());
While I disconnect from the network, this only takes 4 seconds.
After inspecting the network traffic, I realised that the PDF component was trying to load some external resources, for example:
* http://ssl.gstatic.com/gb/images/i2_2ec824b0.png
* http://ssl.gstatic.com/gb/images
* http://www.gstatic.com/images/branding/googlemic/2x/googlemic_color_24dp.png
* http://www.gstatic.com/images/branding/googlemic/2x
These requests were failing due to the server returning 405.
I then tried specifying a custom loader of external resources:
new Document("Google Search.html", new HtmlLoadOptions
CustomLoaderOfExternalResources = _ => null
But it doesn’t seem to stop the default loading behaviour. The custom loading code is only called after the default loader fails to load the resource.
Is there a way to skip loading the external resources, or to cancel the HTML loading process during the long waiting period?