Performance Issue while Retrieving the RPL Report with Aspose.Slides for SSRS

Hi team,

I am working now for this issue after Vikash.

Can someone support us as we have tried to re install the reporting service and SSRS.

Still performance issue not resolved.

Can someone please assist to fix it on priority. as we need to move on to 2012 to 2019

Could you please describe in more detail what difficulties you encountered when reinstalling the reporting service?

Hi @andrey.potapov

Reporting service is reinstalled in server.

But the performance issue still coming no luck.

Thank you for the information. I am working on the issue and will get back to you soon.

To be completely sure that Aspose.Slides for Reporting Services is not the cause of poor performance, please run the attached project, export the report to an RPL file, and return the performance result to us. (60.2 KB)

Hi @andrey.potapov

I am getting error that file is private.

Could you please provide me access and add me in this chat.

This forum thread is public and anyone can download the file. Could you kindly clarify what you mean?

Hi @andrey.potapov

not able to download file

image.png (13.0 KB)

You are now the owner of this forum thread. Please try to download the file again.