Performance issues with Aspose words while converting eml file to pdf

Using the code below to convert an eml file to pdf (the file size is 300k) the operation takes 20s :

final com.aspose.words.Document asposeDocumentEMail = new com.aspose.words.Document(inputDirectory.eml, options);

is there any other optimized solutions to fix this ?
Aspose words version : 15.12.0
Java version : 1.6
Thanks in advance,

@Mouna87 Could you please attach your source document here for testing? We will check the issue and provide you more information.
Also, you are using quite old version of Aspose.Words, which was released more than 7 years ago. I would suggest you to use the latest 22.9 version of Aspose.Words for Java.

@alexey.noskov the java versions required for the latest aspose words are * Java Versions: J2SE 7.0 (1.7), J2SE 8.0 (1.8) or above.

But our project runs on java 1.6

@Mouna87 You can use JDK1.6 version:

thanks !

But we re using these other products :

	aspose-email : 5.5.0
	aspose-words-jasperreports : 5.5.0
	Aspose.Cells : 17.6.0
	Aspose.Pdf :17.6.0 

Should we migrate the versions also ?
do you have latest versions compatible with java 1.6 ?

@Mouna87 Aspose.Words does not depend on other libraries. So you can update only Aspose.Words to check whether performance issue is still persist or not.

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Thanks we will update Aspose words and keep you updated with the result !

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Hello @alexey.noskov ,

what is the latest version of Aspose email for java 1.6 ?
and for java 11 which are the appropriate versions for these products :
aspose word /aspose celles /aspose email/ aspose pdf / `aspose-words-jasperreports

thanks in advance

@Mouna87 You can find system requirements of Aspose products in our documentation:
Aspose.Words for Java:
Aspose.Words for Jasper Reports:
Aspose.Email for Java
Aspose.Cells for Java
Aspose.PDF for Java