Performance problem filling large forms

We are currently replacing our pdf provider with AsposePDF, but we’re seeing a performance drop when creating very large forms.

I am creating a 200-page form, consisting of Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, copy of Page 2, copy of Page 3, copy of Page 2, copy of Page 3, etc but with different data on each page…

For each page I am filling a stream using Aspose.Pdf.Facades.Form & FillField… Then when I’ve filled all the page streams I am using KeepFieldsUnique & Concatenate(filledPageStreams[], outputStream).

Filling the page streams is very fast, but the Concatenate statement is taking 8 minutes

I sped it up by saving every 30 page streams to a staging file, and then using Concatenate(stageFileNames[], outputStream). This reduced it to 1 minute.

However our previous provider could achieve the same output in 15 seconds and our customers will not accept this reduction in performance. Is there a faster way to approach this? I would be grateful if you have any suggestions how I could speed this up further.


Hi Nora,

Thanks for contacting support.

Can you please share some sample application along with PDF form so that we can test the scenario in our environment. We are sorry for your inconvenience.