Document.UpdatePageLayout called to often, even if document not modified
Aspose.Words.Document.UpdateFields (1 call -> 233 calls to update page layout)
Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutCollector.GetStartPageIndex (1526 calls -> 279 calls to update page layout)
calls Aspose.Words.Document.UpdatePageLayout too often and 98% spent for update page layout even if nothing modified
There’s simple enumerator which goes thought Aspose.Words.Document child nodes (deep) and uses LayoutCollector to get start page index
namespace Fiddle
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Aspose.Words;
using Aspose.Words.Layout;
using MoreLinq;
public class DocumentAnalyser
private readonly Aspose.Words.Document _document;
private readonly IDictionary<int, LinkedList<Node>> _nodesByPages = new Dictionary<int, LinkedList<Node>>();
public DocumentAnalyser(Aspose.Words.Document document)
_document = document;
public void Analyse()
private void CreateNodesByPageMap()
var collector = new LayoutCollector(_document);
// in shapshots: there 1526 nodes
_document.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Any, true)
(node) =>
var page = collector.GetStartPageIndex(node);
LinkedList<Node> list = null;
if (_nodesByPages.ContainsKey(page))
list = _nodesByPages[page];
list = new LinkedList<Node>();
_nodesByPages[page] = list;
Profiler snapshots:
snapshot-1.png (101.1 KB)
snapshot-2.png (94.2 KB)