Permission check failed on mac

Hi ,

we are facing an issue on Mac/Linux OS but we dont see this on windows.

we see this error when we initiate a Aspose.Pdf.Document object

Exception thrown: ‘#=zmCt58VVTArynDYd5szOzBClkVXX7mWfZAG05QpM=’ in Aspose.PDF.dll: ‘Permissions check failed (invalid Perms value).’
at #=qJCdvRVy2nxc$Y_Ag9SqbQYZ2cOYQ2tnJrWSFvCb7qxo=.#=zieP5zFVq9tXG$Fn5VhmrsPvDA7ul(Object #=zjo6$C14=) at #=qJCdvRVy2nxc$Y_Ag9SqbQYZ2cOYQ2tnJrWSFvCb7qxo=.#=zOyuOG0tIAwcQiHdz2CGN9R5_231irTuWJg==() at #=qJCdvRVy2nxc$Y_Ag9SqbQYZ2cOYQ2tnJrWSFvCb7qxo=.#=zkVVCjkyABsz9ISkGG8D1D_9IHEctdpVe6tzUdpiEe6Ia(Object #=zjo6$C14=, UInt32 #=z1p8oORg=) at #=qJCdvRVy2nxc$Y_Ag9SqbQYZ2cOYQ2tnJrWSFvCb7qxo=.#=zH9beOp65e3W3SoUroxUuOec=(Boolean #=zjo6$C14=) at #=qJCdvRVy2nxc$Y_Ag9SqbQYZ2cOYQ2tnJrWSFvCb7qxo=.#=zrRz1NH9NkCNPHACXtwLbRWxYOubuNNJmFQ==(Object[] #=zjo6$C14=, Type[] #=z1p8oORg=, Type[] #=ze$KApdk=, Object[] #=zFYOAtH4=) at #=qJCdvRVy2nxc$Y_Ag9SqbQYZ2cOYQ2tnJrWSFvCb7qxo=.#=zYAEJ5tb_2NIH0eg8$d9HkR0=(Stream #=zjo6$C14=, String #=z1p8oORg=, Object[] #=ze$KApdk=) at #=qJCdvRVy2nxc$Y_Ag9SqbQYZ2cOYQ2tnJrWSFvCb7qxo=.#=za35TKea8cAPSg61WsKfm8nua3DMHRD4m__pd_8Z2F6Ia(Stream #=zjo6$C14=, String #=z1p8oORg=, Object[] #=ze$KApdk=) at #=zn0tASNbiy9KomFNecu48IQRzih7stK4XFQ==.#=zjJHosdK57nZS(String #=zoEd8jFY=, Boolean #=zojsUSaVlbwU9, StringBuilder #=zIOIU$Dw=, #=zLbJE4Thqp$AoD7iO7NY$LwN0tu$shPigQAduEQA= #=zBixbJZs=) at #=zn0tASNbiy9KomFNecu48IQRzih7stK4XFQ==…ctor(Stream #=zVodcYws=, String #=zoEd8jFY=, Boolean #=zojsUSaVlbwU9) at #=zAW5t8folFKyP5Qxn3TXnewk8OIICzVmjr$l6BS0=.#=zC89Ubs0=(Stream #=zVodcYws=) at Aspose.Pdf.Document.#=zJTyIvcU=(Stream #=zOL$RYgQ=, String #=zoEd8jFY=) at Aspose.Pdf.Document…ctor(Stream input) at AsposeRepository.CompressPDF(Stream fileStream)

this is our code
public Stream CompressPDF(Stream fileStream)
var stream = new MemoryStream();
Aspose.Pdf.Document pdfDocument = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(fileStream); // error here

            // Set RemoveUsedObject option
            var optimizeOptions = new Aspose.Pdf.Optimization.OptimizationOptions
                RemoveUnusedObjects = true,
                RemoveUnusedStreams = true,
                LinkDuplcateStreams = true,
                AllowReusePageContent = true,
                UnembedFonts = true,
                ImageCompressionOptions = { CompressImages = true, ImageQuality = 75, ResizeImages = true, MaxResolution = 300 }
            // Optimize PDF document using OptimizationOptions

            stream.Position = 0;
            return stream;
        catch (Exception ex)
            Log.Error("CompressPDF failed", ex.StackTrace);

MicrosoftTeams-image (1).png (40.3 KB)

MicrosoftTeams-image (2).png (44.5 KB)

i have attached two screenshots about the pdf. please let me know if you need more info

i see that the pdf on mac has password encrypted but we are not sure why it is not there in windows file


It looks like the issue is related to the missing fonts in the MacOS. Please try to install all windows fonts in the system and check again. If issue still persists, please share your sample PDF document with us so that we can test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.