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Issue ID(s): EMAILNET-40948
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Hi @australian.dev.nerds
When loading from eml to MapiMessage, preserve the signature is not supported by default. Use the following code to preserve the signature:
Hello and thanks for the tip, I have objections though! Because the case is marked as Resolved and won’t give a fix! I think the logic is not right.
You have used MapiMessage.FromMailMessage, but we should be able to use MapiMessage.Load too, while EmlLoadOptions does not have PreserveSignature.
I said we should be able to use MapiMessage.Load because support gave me that code in some cases, so do you think this internal signature preserve should be enabled by default internally?
OR if you do not agree, please specify the differences between MapiMessage.FromMailMessage and MapiMessage.Load in help files, so developers know when to use which one!
Anyway, this MapiMessage.FromMailMessage is the one pending for input stream support, do you have any news if this will be out in 23.5?
Thank you
Thank you this information was pretty important, I really appreciate it, if you don’t mind may I ask 3 more quick questions?
Can you please confirm for which message types this will occur?
I guess when we call MapiMessage.Load with EmlLoadOptions + EmlxLoadOptions + MhtmlLoadOptions this will happen, am I right?
No idea about AppointmentLoadOptions
And vise versa, what happens when we call MailMessage.Load with MsgLoadOptions + TnefLoadOptions, the reverse will happen or not?
MapiMessage.Load with EmlLoadOptions + EmlxLoadOptions + MhtmlLoadOptions +HtmlLoadOptions
I did not understand this case, clarification needed.
When loading msg in MailMessage, on the contrary, preserve the signature is supported by default and decoded if DecodeSignedContent is true. This opposite behavior may seem strange, but the addition of these settings was at the request of users, and they were different…
TnefLoadOptions does not have a setting for working with signatures, the signature is saved by default
If you try to convert a signed/encrypted message using the above code, you will see the same result, blank body!
The reason for my insist to fix it internally?
Many many places on the docs, forum and my own support tickets, Aspose advised the above!
So all your users are suffering from this.
Personally, to get rid of this, I will never use MapiMessage to load anything but Msg/Oft/Tnef
So not my direct problem anymore, just wanted to let you know.
Thanks, forget about Add MailMessage to PST, I meant for simple email conversion tasks, from Eml to Msg this will also happen:
MapiMessage = MapiMessage.Load(source, EmlLoadOptions)
MapiMessage.Save(target, MsgSaveOptions)
No where mentioned that this will break the signed/encrypted messages, very nice that you knew it
Hello and thank you very much for this great improvement approval.
Just, this case was in connection with MapiMessage issue?
I mean after fixing the EMAILNET-41070 this issue will also be fixed?
Further, PersonalStorage: SaveMessageToStream and ExtractMessage both don’t have SaveOptions.
Just asking about their differences?
ie one might behave differently with signed/encrypted or any other type of messages?
Can you please share their differences?
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