PersonalStorage Events

I hope you all enjoyed the holidays and wish you the best of luck in the upcoming new year :slight_smile:
Got 2 questions:

Under PersonalStorage.ItemMoved event, how can I get the message subject using e.ItemProperties?
Never used Mapi ItemProperties so would be nice to know :slight_smile:

There’s no such thing like PersonalStorage.StoragePreProcess event so how can I get some info on storage begin process?
Mostly I need to know the name of storage (e.FileName)
My usage:
MySourceFiles is defined as List(Of String)
Thanks :slight_smile:

We suggest you please check the code example of PersonalStorage.ItemMoved from here:

You can get the message subject using following code snippet.

static void PstMerge_OnItemMoved(object sender, ItemMovedEventArgs e)
    if (e.IsMessage)
        Console.WriteLine("Message : " + e.ItemProperties[MapiPropertyTag.PR_SUBJECT_W]);

To work with MAPI properties, please read the following article:
Working with MAPI Properties

Could you please share some more detail about this requirement?

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Hi, thanks for the info, in my usage:

StorageProcessed occurs after each source storage file is processed.
Anyway to get it before source storage file is going to process?

A ticket EMAILNET-40902 has been logged for your requirement in our issue tracking system. We will inform you once there is an update available on it.