PersonalStorage.FromFile(string fileName- bool writable) - read-only mode

Aspose.Email 1.5's new read-only mode sounds very interesting. I only open PST/OSTs for reading, extracting MSGs, and saving the MSGs to disk. I found in the documentation:

NETWORKNET-33167 - Enhanced PersonalStorage to load a PST in read only mode

if set to true then the the pst file will support writing, otherwise it will be opened in read-only mode.

How does the new read-only mode affect ExtractMessage()?

Thank you,

Rob W

Hi Rob,

Setting the "writeable" to true means you intend to make changes to the PST file. In this case if the file is "read only" in the file system (right click ->proerties) then an exception will be thrown.

EtractMessage is a read only operation and does not require writing access, so there will be no change in behavior with "writeable" true or false.

Great -- thank you.
