When splitting, merging or converting a large PersonalStorage inside ItemMoved event there should be e.Cancel method so we can call it to terminate the rest of process!
I run the code in a separate thread so main application UI is responsive and there’s a cancel button that I check it each time ItemMoved event is called.
Currently possible to cancel the operation in the middle?
Consider the real world app use, large pst vs slow HDD.
And thanks indeed for fixing EMAILNET-40905 SplitInto throws Generic.KeyNotFoundException
It works now, just can we set the naming template for output parts?
They’re named Personal folders_part0.pst and go on…
Although mainly for decoration but also in case the app is .NET 4 which does not support LongPathsEnabled it will help by choosing a shorter name prefix
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Issue ID(s): EMAILNET-40949
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Hello and thanks
In addition to the above Cancel event:
Storage.MailboxConverter.ConvertPersonalStorageToMbox and Storage.MailStorageConverter.MboxToPst
Both don’t have event to fire on each item processed including item being processed folder/name
On large storages, long processes, that can help to show a progress bar and update a log file to reflect the current item, so in case of errors we know which item caused it.
Hello @australian.dev.nerds,
Added this info to the ticket. Thanks.