I have a problem. I need to be able to extract all picture from a presentation. Then I manipulate them with a Component that add special effect to the picture, and finally I need to replace the original picture with the modified one.
So far i’ve been able to extract picture, apply my special effect to it. But I dont know how to replace de old one with the new one :
foreach(Aspose.PowerPoint.Picture pic in pres.Pictures) { //Convert to Special Effect Component Image Format MemoryStream inStream = new MemoryStream(); pic.Image.Save(inStream, pic.ImageFormat); fx.Open(inStream); inStream.Close(); fx.ApplyEffects(); MemoryStream outStream = new MemoryStream(); fx.Save(outStream); pic.image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(outStream); // DONT WORK !!! outStream.Close();} |
In fact my pic (Aspose.Powerpoint.Picure) Image is read only property. So I’m not able to save the modified picture…
Is there a way to do that? Did I miss something obvious?
Alkar Durecht
Sersoft SA