Picture in Header not displaying

To whom it may concern,
I have a docx word document that contains a jpg in the header. When I use Aspose.words to open the docx file and save the docx file as a different filename, upon opening up the new docx file, the jpg image is not displayed.
thank you in advance,
Aspose.Words version: 5.0

Thanks for your request. There are two different ways images and shapes can be included in OOXML documents: VML and DrawingML. VML images and shapes are supported by Aspose.Words in DOCX files. However, DrawingML is not yet supported. We are still working on DOCX import and that includes supporting DrawingML. I think full support for DrawingML will come out in March.
Best regards.

hi there,
I am now being asked to make one of my programs handle docx format
When converting to pdf I am experiencing the same error as this in that the image in the header is not going into the XML output (and therefore not into the pdf)
When converting the same file in .doc format this gets written into the XML:

When converting from docx format it is missing
I am using aspose.words version 5.2
Cheers james

Thanks for your request. Would you please attach your document for testing? I will investigate this issue and provide you more information.
Best regards.

thanks for the speedy response
attached is the .doc

attcahed is the docx

attcahed is the .doc .xml

and finally attached is the .docx .xml
cheers james

Thank you for more information. I managed to reproduce this issue on my side. It seems to be a known issue #5340.
Issue #5340 – Images disappear from DOCX document after open/save using Aspose.Words.
I will notify you as soon as it is fixed.
As a workaround you can convert your DOCX document to DOC format using MS Word and then convert DOC to PDF using Aspose components.
Best regards.

Ok, this was fixed ages ago. It seems it was linked to a wrong issue number and hence there was no automatic notification.
Images are no longer lost in this file. If you are still interested, feel free to try the latest version of Aspose.Words.